All over diet and fitness question informative answers given 10 points!!!?!

Question: All over diet and fitness question informative answers given 10 points!!!!?
I am 16 years old from ireland 130 pounds and 5 foot 8!. I want to gain weight and muscle!. I have bought weights so i can use them any good excercise to build muscle in biceps triceps chest and shoulders!. I can do about 20-25 pushups at one time and 4-6 pullups maybe more!. Is this good enough to move onto weights!? I have less than a tub of protein powder left so i have to use it wisely!. I want to gain weight to gain muscle so is it bad to gain like 5 pounds a week eating good foods!. Because fat people can lose 10 pounds plus a week but thin people can't gain that much!? I like excercising because i jog for about 20 mins 3 time a week!. Lift every second day!. And i try excercise as much as possible!. How much calories do i need etc!. But mainly what excercises to do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow, you are almost identical to me!. I weigh 130 lbs 5''7, but im pure muscle!. 6!.6% body fat, which is extremely good!. I am also gaining weight, i have gained 7 lbs in the past 1 week 1/2!. You probably have a fast metabolism, which doesn't help you and I gain weight!. Okay first, your pushups are okay, keep working on them, and your pulls are alrite!. To workout right, you have to do certain muscles every day!. One day, do triceps, pecs!. Next day, do biceps, shouldars!. Next, abs, legs, and back!. If you do the same muscles every day, you won't get much stronger, you will see results 5x faster, if you follow this routine!. Bench press for pecs, diamond pushups for pecs, and ly down with weights on your bed and do flys!. Arms straight out from your side and pull them together, there are videos on google!. Pectoral flies!. Tricep, take a weight, both hands and put it behind your head, standing up, just go up and down!. Semi-wide pushups and there are other free weight excercises!. Biceps, just one thing, curl weights, one in each hand, up down up down!. Shouldars just pick up weights and lift them toward your head!. Abs, just crunches and leg raises, jogging every other day, you can do and back, is a hard muscle to get with only free weights, try looking up some back free weight excercises!. Eat, 3-4 big meals a day, breakfast is most important, im 17 years old, have school and i eat BIG!. I bring 4 nutri-grain bars, 2 bottles of water, a bagel with creamcheese/ creamcheese is bad for you, but if you workout the fat, you will be fine!. If you have time, make 2-3 eggs, eggs= LOTS of protein, which repair muscles faster!. Take protein after workouts!. Lunch and dinner, try to eat meat!. Make a sandwich, or have chicken, or a burger!. Have rice or a side, salad!. Dinner is same as lunch, chicken, fish etc!. Try to eat 3,500 calories a day, minimum every day!. Hope i helped you out, follow this routine, you will gain weight like me, its hard for us, when we have a slow metabolism!. GOOD LUCK broWww@Answer-Health@Com

I had way too much fat in all the embarrassing areas until I checked out acai berry, I know they say that pills won't work, however they sure worked for me, and they have been shown on CNN too!. There is a free trial on at the moment at http://pisenods!.maupin!.cc , why not try it, what have you got to lose!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Increase your calorie intake, don't eat unhealthy trans fats or saturated fats found in fried foods, snacks, cheese and ice cream!. Instead eat extra portions of healthy high calorie omega-3 fatty acid foods like tuna, sardines, salmon, flax seed, walnuts, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, whole grains, eat lean meats, eggs and especially peanut butter!.
(eat a peanut butter sandwich everyday)
(cook food in flax oil)
Drink milk and 100% fruit juices!. (no soda pop)
Drink plenty of water!. (6-8 glasses per day)
You need to increase muscle mass by adding more protein to your diet, so don't use the protein powder sparingly!.!.!.
Add 3 tablespoons of whey protein to foods in "each" meal, add to oatmeal, soup, spaghetti, scrambled eggs, smoothies!.!.!. <this is most important
Eat nutritional simple and complex carbohydrates, fruit & vegetables (also high in protein) beans, pasta, whole grain bread and cereals for energy and sustenance!. (corn, apple sauce, raisins, dried dates, sweet potatoes are highest in healthy carbs)
"Daily" walking/hiking in the sunshine for 15 - 20 minutes, your body will produce vitamin D to enhance it's ability to absorb calcium and the brain releases endorphins to naturally lift your mood!.
(walk daily even if the sun is not shining)
Jogging 3X a week is good, avoid excessive cardio exercises such as jogging/running, cycling, etc!. they burn calories and raise your metabolism which will cause you to lose weight!.
Continue resistance training every other day for increased muscle mass, don't lift heavy, it's best to do more reps with less weight, using dumbbells is perfect!.
Here is a great site to target specific muscle groups for abs, arms, shoulders!.!.!.
http://www!.shapefit!.com/training!.html (scroll down)
Start out slow to avoid over-worked sore muscles!.
Do 1 set of 15 reps for "each" muscle in a group, working your upper, middle and lower body equally for all over muscle tone, (not just your upper body) increase sets as your muscles get used to exercise!.
Make sure to warm up and stretch before exercising to prevent injury!.

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