What are some ways for a middle-aged guy to get rid of a soft midsection?!

Question: What are some ways for a middle-aged guy to get rid of a soft midsection!?
I'm kind of happy with the rest of my body, but I can't get rid of the soft midsection no matter what, even if I do abs until the cows come home!.

I never was the six-pack type, but since summer's ended, even though I do a good deal of hard cardio daily, my weight just seems to go there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would recommend continuing your normal exercise routine (running, sit ups/push ups, stretching before and after), and after you are done drink a glass of milk and have a turkey sandwich!. Milk is one of the few foods that is a perfect source of amino acids! You need plenty of protein after you exercise to build muscle!. Stretching is also very important!.

A very good way to stretch your midsection is to lie face down on the floor and press up with your arms, sort of like a sit up, but keep your legs relaxed!. Do this for 8 - 12 seconds before and after exercises!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Did you cut out all carbinated drinks!? The carbination can make your stomach pop out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

crunches, sit ups, knee pumps, side crunchesWww@Answer-Health@Com

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