Help me lose weight. Obese teeanger!?!

Question: Help me lose weight!. Obese teeanger!!?
Age: 13
Weight: 200 lbs!.
Height: 5'3"

I need to lose weight!. Obviously!. What can I do for the next two weeks on Christmas break!? It's two weeks with nothing to do and I want some intense workouts PLEASE!. Help me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its going to take a lot more then 2 weeks!. first and very important, cut junk food out!. fast it! eat lots of fruits and veggies, and control your porportions!. look up online what good perportions are!. Brocalli size of a light bulb!.!. fish or meat the size of a playing card!.!.!.ect!.

then!. you can start by running one hour a day!. it will be hard!. so you can walk at a fast rate, a rate to where you cant talk on the phone if when u were walking, and build up to running for an hour!. DO SOMETHING ON THE TREDMILL FOR AN HOUR!. do 100 crunches every 3 hours!. 20 up, 20 to the left, 20 to the right, 20 up, 10 to the left, 10 to the right!.
after one hour on the tred, wait 4 hours, do another!. wait for hours, do another!.

get a good nights sleep!.

drink lots of water!.

take a one or two hour night time walk with your dog if you have one!.

hope this helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

cut out carbohydrates like bread and potatoes and potato-chips/crisps
eat more veggies (not fruit) and drink 6-8 glasses of water/day, exercise moderately first you don't want to shock your system!. Eat little and often - do not ever ever go hungry but that doesn't mean snack on junk food!.
Always have breakfast especially porridge as it's a slow releaser of energy and you won't feel so hungry
Good luck and Merry ChristmasWww@Answer-Health@Com

Drink 8 glasses a water a day!. Do a lot of cardio training to help your heart and it will also boost your metabolism!. Cut out junk food! Eat much smaller proportions and eat five times a day!. If you eat five small meals spread throughout the day as opposed to three larger meals, your body will get used to being fed more and will burn off the fat and etc faster!. Run for an hour twice a day, doing things like crunches, sit ups etc paired with cardio is more effective than doing them on their own!. Also you should take vitamins and drink a glass of milk a day so that your body and your bones get much stronger!.
continue to do this, even if your results aren't overnight, which they wont be!. Just stick to it and i promise it will work

hope i helped :DWww@Answer-Health@Com

go get your body fat percentage checked first,then decide whether or not you really need to lose any weight,as for any female a body fat percentage exceeding 30% isnt healthy at all!.!.change your lifestyle for good via regular mix of cardio and toning/resistance exercises in moderation and a balanced diet!.Thus, whatever fat comes off,stays off for good!God bless you dear!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try this website http://www!.sparkpeople!.com

Its completely free, its a community of people with the same goal to get fit and lose weight!. There is a nutrition tracker where you log your food and a fitness tracker where you track your exercise!. There are teams which you can join for support!. There are videos which you can view and follow along with!. There are articles, recipes etc!.

You have nothing to lose!.!.!.!.!.except the weight!. Its worth a try, there is a lot of success on the site as you will see!. My username is jaydee14 on SparkPeople!. I think they might even have an exclusive site for teens!.

I hope this helps you!.

Don't worry lovely, it's not hard once you get into it!. Lots of cardio would be good!. Dance around to your favorite music!. Anything where you're outside enjoying the snow!. I hope you have some wherever you are :) burns oodles of calories!. Like hiking, building a snowman, having a snowball fight, going skiing!. Running is what I do, it becomes pretty addictive after awhile!. Situps and lifting weights will help you to burn fat and replace it with muscle!. Muscle = faster metabolism, so you'll burn even more fat in the long run!. But most of all, try to enjoy your Christmas! Hugs XXXWww@Answer-Health@Com

Cut the fat, sugar and carbs!. Eat healthy for the most part!.

- white meats (fish, chicken, turkey)
- a large variety of vegetables
- a large variety of fruits
- skim milk
- skim yogurt
- no bagels!
- not a lot of carbs
- a million plain salads

Take long brisk walks, jog, run, and work your muscles!.
I recommend swimming!. It feels the nicest because you don't sweat and it works your muscles !.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Exercising in the morning keeps your metabolism up all day! Drink lots of water!. Um studies show that people who get more sleep either gain less wheight or lose more!.!.!. I don't remember!.!.!. but either one is good lol so get a good night's sleep!Www@Answer-Health@Com

For starters - walk 10,000 steps per day!. Have to buy a pedometer that measures steps!. You can even wear it to school if you ask if it is ok!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this guy has an inspiring story about teenage obesity:


Hope this helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try not eating junk food, just a though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try running and drinking alotta water before u eatWww@Answer-Health@Com

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