How to punch hard or gain weight?!

Question: How to punch hard or gain weight!?
i lift weights every day and im still not tanked, but people say my punch is pretty hard for my size!. 5'5 110 lbs, i really want to gain weight but my stupid metobolisim is too good, and im 14!.!. i want to get real tanked and beat the **** out of someone in my class, any advice>!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

well try not to fight, it's not worth it in the end but a safe way to gain is Eating!. Eating is the first and most important factor that is needed to gain weight!. It's simple - you need to eat more calories than you burn!. This does not mean eating anything and everything that is not nailed down!. Carefully plan your meals with foods that will help you gain lean mass, not fat!. I suggest 6 meals!. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and three other small meals scheduled throughout the day!. The goal is to eat every 2!.5 to 3 hours!.

Focus on foods such as steak, chicken, fruit, milk, vegetables, cheese and assorted types of nuts!. It's recommended to eat 4 - 6 pieces of fresh fruit a day, and at least four tall glasses of milk!. Milk is a great, cheap protein source - take advantage of it!. A sample snack meal would be a glass of milk, an apple, and a hand full of peanuts!.

Take time to lay out a meal plan!. What you eat is the most important ingredient in a successful weight gain program!.

Dont sweat the small stuff he isnt worth your time!!!

you can either gain some weight from muscle or fat, and of course fat is easier but not probably what you want, i would have recommended protein shakes but I think you're too young for that, i guess just work out a lot but if your body wasnt meant to be really heavy then it wont be unless you eat a lot of fat foods but like i said its probably not what you wantWww@Answer-Health@Com

Try drugs!. I hear the make you lose your mind to the extent that you can actually kill someone without meaning to!.

Bloody idiot!. Why do you want to hurt someone!? What did they do to you!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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