Is weight important 4 u?!

Question: Is weight important 4 u!?
are u bothered by ur weight!?

is weight important for u!?

do u diet and why!?


My weight bothers me stupid amounts, im always trying to diet because weight seems to get me down so i constantly feel Low

But when you think about it, weight is one of the most important issues for the perfect image today, with all the surgery and airbrushed photos of celebs looking perfect, its putting more and more pressure on everyone to look like that!. and sadly, theres no such thing as perfect so wanting becomes an obsession!.

and if you are one of the larger framed people, then you try to do the same, but as its rarely successful you end up falling into bad eating habits and comfort eating!. its a vicious circle!.

If everyone accepted others for who they are, then there wouldn't be so many stupid obsessions to be a size 0 or what ever!.


only because I like to look goodbecause itmakes me feel good about myself
I startedto gain weight so I started running every day!. that makes me feel good too!. running has been scientifically proven to help you emotionally as far as feeling good

I'm 5'2" 34C and muscular 111lbs and I feel perfect
I do NOT diet!. I just eat healthy and when I start to eat too much junk and I gain weight as a result I start running!. I have never dieted

healthy weight chart (females only)
give/take 5-10lbs depending on age, cup size and muscle mass

5'0" = 100lbs
5'1" = 105lbs
5'2" = 110lbs
5'3" = 115lbs
5'4" = 120lbs
5'5" = 125lbs
5'6" = 130lbs
5'7" = 135lbs
5'8" = 140lbs
5'9" = 145lbs

This is based on adult BMI charts for women

No, i'm not bothered by my weight, only by my body fat %

Yes, my weight along with my body fat % is important to me, because it helps to indicate how much lean body mass i've gained, and how much fat i've lost!.

I wouldn't call it a diet!.!.

I just eat healthily like no fried foods and all that stuff, if i want to put on muscle i eat more, if i want to loose fat i eat less, but no matter how much im eating, its always healthly!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Actually, you don't have to "diet" as such if you want to lose weight, I discovered this at the website in the box below, they have loads of guidance, I lost 6 pounds by following their tips!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Weight is important to me!. I have trouble gaining it!. I am 6' 170 lbs and want to be around 200!. I was up to 185 and then have lost it since!. It's hard to eat enough food!. I don't think my body digests it properly!. I don't want fat either!. I'm talking muscle here!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes, i always feel fat even though im classified as normal or a little below!.

i obsess about what i eat and i do diet!.

i am probably not very good for your poll!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yea a month ago I was tired of people calling me skinny and weak so I decided I need to gain weight and muscle mass!. My diet consists of high protein/high carbs/lowfat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I guess im sometimes bothered by my weight and its kinda important i do NOT dietWww@Answer-Health@Com

i am here!.!.am i not!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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