A Question About Losing Weight - - -?!

Question: A Question About Losing Weight - - -!?
I weight 56kg!. I think i have put on weight and it's really getting to me:(
I feel so hungry every 10 minutes!. If i eat two sandwiches, i'll still want more!. And i just start craving chocolate and fatty foods and i end up snacking on them all day!.
Before i didn't use to eat so much, just one meal a day!. What can i do to stop craving and snacking on food so much!?
What is the best way to lose weight!? I want to lose weight fast, and any solutions and tips you have please share!.

Thanks *Www@Answer-Health@Com

I weight 53kg, aim to lose 5kg in 8 weeks!. I have started to do workout 2 weeks ago, and i see result now, expect to see more 2 weeks later!.

Drink water when you feel hungry, eat breakfast, dont skip it, it is very important!. For me, i always eat, I wake up, drink 2 glass of water, then eat milk/oat, then eat lunch, then milk/oat/2 slices of bread with butter for afternoon tea, eat dinner, another milk/oat/2 slices of bread with butter before bed!. See, i eat 5 meals everyday and still able to lose weight!. So dont worry abt eating, you can lose weight if you really want!. Drink plenty of water, you dont crave for food if you are full!.

Here is my way to lose weight!.

To lose 1 kg, you need to burn 7700 calories!. For me, i do 2-3 hours workout everyday on stationary bike!. I expect to lose 5 kg in 8 weeks!.

Maintain your diet, eat healthy food, do 1-3 hours workout everyday, Measure your waist, hip, arm, thigh every week, you start to see result in 2 weeks and more after that!. Scale is not so accurate for first few weeks, you may gain muscle weights, and lose fat weight, so you wont see your weight drop in first few weeks!.

You can do jogging, walking, cycling, climbing, aerobic!. For me, i bought a recumbent bike 2 weeks ago, happy that i bought it, it help a lot on my losing weight plan!. Recumbent bike is a lot more comfortable which i am able to sit on and cycle for one hour, 2 to 3 times a day, a total of 2-3 hours of workout per day!. I just put my bike in front of TV, i watch tv and cycle, time flies!. ;p

Good luck to you!


There's a n amazing resource that I've been checking out for a few weeks now,
it's got stacks of free help and advice and illustrates to you how to burn up some body fat the correct way,
without dieting!. I lost 8 pounds in seven weeks by following their techniques :


- it's free
- they give you weight-loss-systems!.
- your can enter and keep track of your weight and measurements!.

Hope this helps!.
it's working for me so far

Good luck :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Theres a website a friend of mine got me into: http://www!.everlossreviews!.net, its really good too, it gives you tips and what to eat, what exercise to do etc!. to loose weight :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

try to eat less and less everyday fill up on health food, fruits and vegetables

also check out these 3 exercises that you can do from home!

Easy, jump rope for five minutes three times a day and you'll waste away!. You can eat like a wild pig if you jump like a wild dog!.
1 second ago - Edit - Delete

eating is so much better than losing weightWww@Answer-Health@Com

Assuming you're not exaggerating about the every 10 minutes thing, and the two sandwiches thing, I think it might actually be time to see a doctor!. It's just a bit outside of the norm in terms of the habits of overweight women!. So I'm wondering if you might have some other issue!. Express this to the doctor clearly though!. Just so there's no confusion!.

If the doctor clears you on any outside illnesses, you'll find that the good old fashioned exercise and eating right routine works the best!. Losing weight fast is a myth!. Any time you loose it fast, you're just losing water weight (dehydrating yourself) which will be gained back as soon as you start replacing water again!.

What it gets down to is what process you use to loose weight!. Fad diets will help you loose weight, but it's easy to gain back because the fad diet will use a technique that is difficult or impossible to maintain for the long term!. Exercise and general sensible eating is easy to maintain for life!. The "down side" is that it's slower than all the fad diets!. Like I said though, fad diets are difficult to maintain for life - and that's what you have to do if you want to keep a constant lower weight!.

Anyway, that's probably a whole lot more information than you were looking for!. Just make sure you get to the doctor first to make sure your cravings aren't indicative of something more serious!. That's the most important part!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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