What do you think of my eating?!

Question: What do you think of my eating!?
This is my meal plan for today what do you think!?

Breakfast-2 eggs fried-200 cals

Snack-Apple-70 cals

Lunch-Tuna salad on a whole grain hotdog bun-240 cals

Snack or late lunch-Tomato soup-120 cals

Dinner-Chicken with garlicy spinach-maybe 300 cals!?

So what do you think!?? I know it seems very low cal but its a lot of food!! I will be having breakfeast, lunch, and dinner plus 2 snacks I got protein, veggies, fruit!.!.!.and I drink water all day? Thanks?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like you have a good system down for yourself - i think that you should absolutely continue to monitor yourself, cause it probably isn't quite enough food for the day - ESPECIALLY if you're exercising!.
Also, you look beautiful in your pic - why do u feel u need to lose!? Keep up with the healthy choices - whole grains, fruit veggies, a nice amount of fresh protein, like chicken, turkey or fish (tofu is good too)!. keep up with ur water too - and if you are not exercising - START!
(i recommend hot yoga - great to lose wgt and keep u focused and healthy)!.
good luck girl! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

YOU NEED TO EAT MORE! you're only consuming 930 calories, that will put your body in starvation mode, you need atleast 1400 calories to lose weight in a healthy fashion so it won't come right back when you start eating normally again!.

EDIT: Wanna-be doesn't know what she's talking about CALORIC INTAKE DETERMINES WEIGHT LOSS OR WEIGHT GAIN!. If you don't have enough your body starts to preserve it's self in starvation mode, trust me you need that extra 500 calories!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's not about the caloric intake!.!.!.it's about the fat and transfat!. Stop counting calories and just pay more attention the the fat intake!.

I think you're doing yourself and your heart a big favor!.!.!.my only change for your would be to poach your eggs instead of frying them!.

Looks good to me!.


No idea but you look beautiful based on your avatar!.?Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you are doing this to be healthy then add more fresh fruits and veggies!. You need at least 5 servings a day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds really balanced and healthyWww@Answer-Health@Com

i like your hearts!. you are a feminine girl!Www@Answer-Health@Com

All the best on your weight loss journey!. Dont forget to exercise!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow!. some of these answers make me cringe!

No!. 1) It is ALWAYS about calories in calories out!. HOWEVER, its a bit more detailed than this!. its also about what type of nutrients you consume! and at what time!

No!. 2) Fat does not make you fat!. Excess calories make us fat!.
Here is what works for 75% of the population!.

Ketogenic diets!. Less than 50 grams of carbs per day!. Simplistically, carbohydrates are not essential!. No one can ever define to you an essential carb!. but there are essential proteins!. and essential fats!. "Essential" basically means your body can not create it on its own, therefore we must feed it!. *IF* your body does need carbohydrates, our body will convert it from our stored protein (muscles)!. the underlying theory behind keto diets are we force our body to use stored fat as energy!. your body will use these sources for energy in the following order: alcohol, carbs, muscle, fat!. so if you do not drink alcohol, and you do not eat carbs, it will try to convert your muscle into energy!. we prevent this with eating enough protein to maintain our muscle!. so then our body is like MAN, i guess i will use up all this stored fat i have! get it!?

sorry about all that mumbo jumbo!. here is what will work for you *IF* you stick with it:

based on your current weight:

230 grams of protein
85 grams of fats
50 grams of carbs

divide into 4-5 meals per day evenly

good protein sources: chicken breasts,tuna,eggs,whey isolate protein powder,salmon,talapia (white fish), turkey, steak 1 time per day is fine!

good fat sources: raw unsalted unroasted almonds or cashews, extra virgin olive oil (mix into your shakes), natural peanut butter (ingredients should read "peanuts and salt" ONLY!

good carb sources: on this type of diet don't add any, except maybe 1 cup of green beans, or some spinach or a plain green salad for dinner!. if you check the content of the natural peanut butter, you will see there are some carbs in it!. it should never add up to more than 50 grams however!

1 meal per week!.!.!.PIG OUT!! eat whatever you have been craving!.!.!.pizza, donuts, hamburger, shakes or all of the above! its very necessary for two reasons:

1) our sanity

2) more importantly, it spikes our metabolism! when we low carb it, or diet in general, our metabolism slows down!. when u eat the cheat meal, your body will freak out like WHOOOAAA where all this food come from!?!?!? i better burn it off! you will even feel your bodytemp rise while eating! i start to sweat!. FOOD is a powerful drug! believe that! its best to have this meal, as the last meal of whatever day you choose ( i do mine on friday night! ) don't freak out if your scale weight increases after this meal!. it is ONLY water! it will dissipate after 3 days or so!.

weigh yourself the morning of your cheat meal!. on an empty stomach!. write it down somewhere!. keep track of your progress!. try to only weigh yourself once per week!. the scale messes with our mind too much!


walk for 30mins 4 days per week!. every week at another day!. when you get to 7 days, the next week at 10 mins to each day!. 40 mins 7 days per week!. if you are losing fat, GOOD! stay there until fat loss stops!. then add 10mins!. so on and so forth!. PROGRESSION!. SLOWLY!. is the key!

No need to go above 60mins per day

also incorporate weight lifting if you can!. if you can't, do full body weight exercises like squats, push ups, lunges, etc!. weights are many times better though!.

and remember, consistency is the key!. along with patience!. You didnt get into your current condition overnight and you won't lose it overnight either!.

if you stick with this for 7 weeks, 8 weeks, i am positive you will see amazing changes to your body! but you have to stick completely to it!

Good luck!!

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