Is it possible for me to..?!

Question: Is it possible for me to!.!.!?
lose at least 40 pounds be february!?
im 5'7 and 180-190 pounds!?!?
what should i do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

i suggest starting a work out plan
and sticking to it
start walking/ running
jump rope,
(then your average excersizes!.!.
push up, sit ups, leg lifts!.!. etc)

i also suggest a workout/ weightloss partner
its easier to stay with it if you have someone else doing it with you,
its okay to get a little competitive
(dont go overboard)

and start eating healthy
small portions
eating 4-6 small healthy meals everyday
is actually better for you then eating 2 or 3 meals
(it keeps your metabolism working through out the day, which makes it stronger/faster)

also drink a lot of water
it helps flush out your system

simple changes like, switcjing to diet soda,
or skim milk,
can make a big difference

just try to pay attention to your calorie intake
burn more then you bring in
(thats the biggest rule in weight loss)
tryh to make sure you eat at least 1200 calories a day
usually you will want to take in somewhere around 1500 a day
(but thats for maintaining weight, so you will want to take in a little less)
its not actually healthy to loose more then about 2 lbs a week
thats all i can think up right now,
but if you stay motivated
and determined
you should be able to do pretty well
good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think its possible if you start now and stick with it!. Change your eating habits and be active for at least an hour a day!. You dont have to dedicate your life to the gym to be toned and in good shape!. I would say an hour of intense gym workout 3-4 times a week is enough but its also the little things you do that count!. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further away when you go shopping, go for an evening walk, do lunges during commercials when you watch tv, etc!.
As for the eating habits you need lower sodium, healthy fats, and complex carbs!. The more pure things you eat, the better off!. Think organic fruits and veggies, lean turkey/chicken, fish, and whole grains!. Its best to snack on these foods throughout the day instead of making them into three big meals, but make sure you get all the servings you need and for you I would say 1500 calories a day!. Drink 8 cups of water a day and no artificial sweeteners since they trigger cravings!. The thing thats kept me thin is not eating after 6-7pm and I absolutely swear by that rule!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

cause you seem like a total *****!.
and bitches stay fat

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