This is not one of those lame weight loss questions. (: ?!

Question: This is not one of those lame weight loss questions!. (: !?
I'm sick and tired of these weight loss questions (:
So, don't think that is what my question is!.
I WANT ABS!. ahhahahaahahhaaa!.!.
Like I'm skinny and all that,I know I do not need to lose weight at all, I don't want to either!. I just want to like tone out my stomach so I can have abs!. (: What are some easy ways to do that!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Crunches, skipping is good for building up abs too!. Search google for some pilates exercises - you'll get really strong abs!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to build muscle!. Do that by using the muscle!. That's the only thing that's gonna work!.

Specifically training muscles is a lot different from training other things!. There's a lot of stuff you need to know to train muscles efficiently!. There are even common mistakes that lead to losing muscle!

If you want any kind of specifics at all, feel free to contact me!. I'd absolutely LOVE to help you out!. Just make sure to talk to *someone* who knows about building muscle before actually trying to do it!. Without more than basic knowledge, you can make very slow progress, no progress, make reverse-progress and lose muscle, or even injure yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

simple 6 small healthy meals a day, cardio 15-20 minutes a day, Weight training, go to bodybuilding!.com its the #1 fitness site it has plenty of articles to help you!. It might be hard at first give it 2 months if you don't cheat on your diet its 80% of how you get your results!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Still lame because everyone asks about how to get 6 pack abs!. luckily i have them hahahahahahhahaha in your face!. its all in the genes, i eat crap, and had them before i started working out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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