Fun fun, Fat burning question?!

Question: Fun fun, Fat burning question!?
I am
4 foot 11 inches
I weigh 102!.5 pounds
I am 17 years old

Question: Witch one will make me have a FLAT stomache faster!.!.!?

Dancing to Techno music for one hour a day
Walking for an hour every day!?

I haven't the time to do both, or I would!.!.Which one will flatten me and burn more fat!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dancing to techno music, the maximum fat loss takes place post-workout when the metabolic rate is speeded up!. Metabolic rate speeds up more with higher intensity exercises, and walking is pretty much as low intensity as it gets!. However, if you think you can perform walking at a greater intensity than dancing, then opt for walking!. By the way, clearing up some myths:

-Stomach exercises don't do anything for a flat stomach, they just strengthen the muscles underlying stomach fat

-Walking and dancing aren't full body workouts, and they don't workout the muscles at all, only resistance exercises do this, last time I checked, walking and dancing aren't resistance exercises, walking only becomes a resistance exercise when an incline is presentWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well to make your stomach flatter neither of those would do the trick!. Dancing and running or walking would work your legs mostly, if I were you, I would put on some music, in your case techno, and do about 100 crunches a day!. By the end of 100 you will feel the burn, trust me!. I had a baby about 5 months ago, and I am already back down to 1 size bigger than I was before I got pregnant! The power of the crunches is in your hands!. Even if you don't notice right away trust me in a few weeks you'll see a difference!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Honestly neither!. Dancing is a great exercise! You move everything in your body and you have fun doing it!. Cardio is great for losing weight, but if you want to flatten your stomach you are going to have to do stomach exercises!. I know this may sound really stupid but if you can get your hands on HIP HOP ABS with Shaun T, you will flatten your stomach in three weeks!. Its fun and it works your abs out without doing sit-ups or crunches!. I hope it works out for you!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

thats gonna depend on witch one gets and keeps your heart rate up !.
my suggestion is alternate between them!. your target heart rate is about 122- to-160!. so keep your heart rate between that!. to find your heart rate while working out count your pulse for 10 sec then multiply by6Www@Answer-Health@Com

Depends on how fast you walk and how you dance!. Whichever that works your heart rate more is better!.

Why don't you do walking(fast) when it's sunny and dancing when it's raining!?


learn how to breakdance and do that for an hour every day!. sit ups for 20 minuts a day is even better!. running for ten minuts a day is all you needWww@Answer-Health@Com

wouldn't dancing too music be more effective because it would use more muscles and not just leg muscles like walking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ha hardcore techno dancing is the way to go!. Its a full body workout thats way more intense than dancing trust me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Probably the techno music!. You are moving more muscles more constantly!. And it makes you a better dancer :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

will it be at a place the dancing!. and walking isn't the effective for ur age running would beat both of those thingsWww@Answer-Health@Com

walk for 50 minutes then do 8 minute abs!!! it works and i know from experience!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try doing sit upsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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