What is being hungry a sign of?!

Question: What is being hungry a sign of!?
Like does it mean i need nutrients just more calories is it a sign of my muscles starting to be broken down or fat being broken down!? like i know i should eat when hungry but why do i get hungry what does it meanWww@Answer-Health@Com

Your body is saying that it needs nutrients!. It will deplete muscle if there are none available!.

YOu should eat 6 meals a day!.!.!. small ones!.!. so that you never feel hungry!. This burns the most fat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your body is like a furnace, it is constantly burning and when the fuel runs low it has to tell you somehow, This is your body's way of saying I need fuel to burn!. How much and when Is up to you!. Metabolism at work!. Just make sure you eat as many calories as are good for your body!. It varies from person to person!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could mean you are thirsty/dehydrated, but hunger too soon after eating is often caused by what you ate at your last meal!. Quick-digesting foods, especially high-glycemic carbohydrates, cause a rise and fall in blood sugar, and leave you feeling hungry again in minutes!.

Balance your meals with lean proteins, healthy fats, and high fiber to help you feel fuller, longer!.

http://buzz!.prevention!.com/community/cat!.!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey if u wana loose weight u can try the diets
given in this site regarding weight loss
it has got so many weight loss tips and diets
to help u loose weight easily

more about weight loss

99!.9% of the time the feeling of hunger means your body is dehydrated!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well do you ever eat when you wake up!? your body just isnt on a routine!. start eating breakfast!. eventually your body will get hungry!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you are usally thirsty drink some water if your still hungry eat somethingWww@Answer-Health@Com

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