Is this an alright diet plan?!

Question: Is this an alright diet plan!?
1 Large Grapefruit

Two egg white
1 slice of wheat bread
1 apple

1/2 Cup of soymilk
1/2 Cup of Blackberries

Dannon Light Yogurt

Also I drink 7 bottles of water a day!.

I'll change my diet around now and then!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, first and foremost, its great that you're getting that much water a day!. That's one of the most overlooked, yet important aspects to loosing weight!.

Secondly, this plan might work for a day or two, but then your body is going to completely go into starvation mode!. I don't know your current weight/height, but to me, it does not look like you are eating enough calories!.

Its important not to skimp out on calories because although you might think you're doing your body good, it will actually think it is being starved and hold onto fat as opposed to letting it go!. So by eating constantly eating less, your body will hold onto its fat as a way of providing nutrients!.

Judging by the lack of meat in your diet, I'm not sure if you are vegetarian, but if you aren't you need to include much more protien in your diet!. Perhaps a slice of lunch meat on the whole wheat bread at lunch, or some peanut butter!. Even a few slices of cheese!. Protien will fill you up much more than anything else, and even a small amount will leave you satisfied!.

You're definitely getting enough milk & dairy though, which is great!. Also, lots of fruit!. If you are feeling hungry in the middle of the day, its better to reach for some veggies though because they have fewer carbs and less sugar than most fruits!.

Anyway, hopefully this helped!. Good luck with the diet!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Losing weight is easier than most people think!. I want you to take a look at one of the best diets for people who want to lose weight quick and easy!. You can lose 9 pounds in just 11 days!. Check it out at http://loosingweightforlife!.com/10-secre!.!.!.
It will really help you get on the right path and it

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