I'm embarrassed to say this but...?!

Question: I'm embarrassed to say this but!.!.!.!?
I'm 13, I'm 5'6'' and I weight 140 approx!.
I'm going to start working out a lot more!

wii, biking, swimming, volleyball, bad mitten, etc!.
so I need a diet!.


breakfast, lunch, dinner and some snacks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

go to www!.thedailyplate!.com there is excellent information and you can add your information and how much you want to lose and it give you calorie goals for each day!. Add those with some exercise and you will lose fast!

100 cal hostess cupcakes are AWESOME!
100 cal hershey & reese snacks are pretty good
Fudge bars have low calorie and low fat content

They have the lean cusine meals and the pinani's are so good!.!. even their pizzas are too!.!.!. Great for lunch and low cal!

Granola bars are ok!.!.!. Chicken that is baked is good!.!.

Green beans are negative calorie (they actually hard to digest so it burns calories while digesting)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're embarrassed to say that!? Look around, some people in this country can't even see their feet, your weight is nothing compared to that!. Anyway, I'll give you advice on losing some weight!.!.

First of all, the only way to lose weight is through a healthy diet and cardio exercise!. For the diet you must drink lots of water, this aids in reducing fat!. Have a low-calorie diet, check the quality of the food and how healthy it is by looking at sodium, sugar, and fat content!. Avoid processed foods, fast food, and all junk food!. Also, eating more meals throughout the day speeds up your metabolism!.

The best cardio exercise is HIIT (High intensity interval training), which burns fat 9 times more effectively than any other cardio exercise!. It only needs to be done for 12-15 minutes, and it should only be done 3 times a week due to its intensity!. I will give you some sites about it, and how to do it!. HIIT can be applied to swimming, jogging, an elliptical, and even a bike/stationary bike!.

Here is a typical diet for you:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with fruit
Snack: Danon Light & Fit Yogurt
Lunch: Turkey sandwich on wheat bread and some fruit
Snack: An apple and all natural peanut butter
Dinner: Fish with brown rice

I'm not sure exactly how many calories that diet contains, but aim for at least 1,500 calories!.

Here are the HIIT sites:


Best of luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with those who've said you are the right weight for your height!. Everyone needs to get the proper amount of exercise to maintain a good state of health!. If you merely spent 30 minutes a day/3 times a week doing some cardio such as briskly walking, you would not only feel better physically, but you would have a better feeling about your appearance!.

A daily 15 minute abdominals routine can tighten your stomach, decrease your waistline, and increase your core body strength!. A typical routine will involve at least 10 to 25 repetitions of each exercise and usually includes crunches (to work upper abdominals), leg lifts (to work lower abdominals), and oblique crunches (to work oblique muscles)!.

Some would say that gaining muscle mass will increase weight!. Weight does not matter as much as the amount of fat vs!. muscle you have!. Muscle weighs more but is also more compact than fat!. That means a pound of muscle takes up much less space than a pound of fat, so keep that in mind when looking at the scale!.

There are weight training and/or strengthening programs you can follow designed for women that focus on tightening and toning rather than bulking up like a body builder!. I highly recommend checking out Joyce Vedral!. I have her book "Bottoms UP!" It has a lot of good information on nutrition, strength training, and abdominals!. Amazon has a DVD of hers specifically about fat loss and abdominals listed here: http://www!.amazon!.com/Joyce-Vedral-Non-S!.!.!.

There is no need for someone at or close to their ideal weight like you are to go on a diet!. If you are concerned about what you're eating, you can simply aim for making healthier lifestyle choices such as eating more poultry and fish while eating less red meat!. Make sure you get enough vegetables and fruit each day!. Make low fat choices with your dairy products like choosing skim milk, low or non fat yogurt, low fat cheese, non fat cottage cheese, etc!. Of course, avoid a lot of processed foods like sugary cereals, cookies, candy bars along with simple carbohydrates like white bread!. Instead, opt for whole grain breads and cereals!. Select carefully from restaurant menus!. For instance, choose the grilled chicken sandwich without mayo over the double bacon cheeseburger, etc!.

Basically, what I'm saying is that since you are at or close to your ideal weight, you should focus more on good health/fitness and less on what the scale says!. A diet can often do more harm than good!. Following a healthy lifestyle with exercise and smart food choices, however, will result in feeling better and feeling better about your appearance!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

that's the perfect weight pretty much! i'm that same height and age, and i weigh the exact same thing! i'm not fat, i'm in shape, and healthy!. if you think you're fat, then you should see a doctor or something, because that's a perfectly healthy weight! oh, also, if you want me to prove that this is a healthy weight, go to google and type in "body mass index calculator" choose the cdc's website and click the child and teen option!. then enter all the things it tells you to enter, and it will say you are a healthy weight!. trust me, i just did it! use this website: http://apps!.nccd!.cdc!.gov/dnpabmi/Calcula!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i agree with Jeremy R just put the wii in last!. this is not real exercise!. i'm a huge gamer but save that for entertainment!. i also love biking!. go off-road!. mountain biking works more muscles than street biking!. although it's good to do both!. i have two bikes one for street one for off-road!. also unsweetened green tea will not hurt!. it will help speed up your metabolism!. no bottled ones most are loaded with sugar!. this is the one i drink it contains no sugar and the jasmine offsets the not so appealing taste of green tea!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok look juss eat less!. or workout more!. if u do a lot of running or situps or crunches u could reall lose some weight!. look one good exercise is reverse crunches!. first lay down on the floor and hold on underneath a couch or something to get leverage!. then all ur gonna do is keep ur legs as straight as possible and lift them as high as possible then bring them down to about 2 inches of the floor hold for 5-10 sec!. then lift up again and keep doing that for as many times as u can!. now wen u first start it will burn!. now remember though if u dont feel it then its probably not working!. so then also u can jog or even ride a bike!. just make sure u drrnk plenty of water while excersising!. also a good way to get energy is to eat fruit!. instead of getting sugar from energy drinks u can get natural sugar which isnt as bad for you!. and for diet you can eat what u normally eat!. juss cut down the portioning!. like if u eat two bowls of cereal just eat one!. if u have a turkey sandwhich fo lucnh have a half a sandwich!. also instead of eating 3 big meals try to eat 5-6 smaller meals!. also if u get hungry in between meals try to have fruit or yogurt or even some kind of food smoothie alot of those now are made to curb your appitite which makes u eat less!. ok well i juss figured id answer your question!. but just so you know!. im 15 and in my opinion and 13 year old girl who weighs 140 and is 5'6 is not bad at all!. plus u are gonna get taller as u get older!.well hopefully i helped!. message me anytime if u got any questions about my answer c yaWww@Answer-Health@Com

You have a good head on your shoulders!. Choosing to exercise more is a an excellent idea!. What I did was start a exercise and diet diary online!. I used:
it's free and has just about everything you could eat and all the exercises!. It will tell you how many calories you consumed and burned!. It also keeps you concience about what your doing on a daily basis!.
The best part!.!.!.!.it's not a fad diet and its free!.

Try it!. I lost 6 pounds and my wife lost 9, just by watching what we eat and working out!.

Good luck!. I hope it works for you too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok that's not bad at all! But here's some things in food to stay away from!.!.!.

Trans-fats- they're very hard for your body to break down
High Fructose corn syrup- its really bad for!.!.!.well everything in your body
snacks- anything in the "snack isle at the stores now-a-days is pretty much un healthy one way or another try another food group for a "snack"

Good things~
lots of water!!!
look into fruits and veggies!

Check out some diets but most important is exercise with fresh air and sunshine! Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, i dont think ur over-weight, but heres a helpful diet -

eat a big, healthy breakfest, it really is the most important meal of the day!. Maybe some special K waffles, and a apples, some water or juices and sum oatmeal!.

lunch- I love eating sandwitches 4 lunch!. Big ceasers salads r healthy, and they fill u up!.

dinner- I mostly just eat morningstar for dinner, my favorites r the veggie burgers, steak and chicken!. (morningstar is a fake meat product, its has about 70% less fat, and more protien than regular meat)

snacks- For a snack, i would have sugar- free popsicles, or some type of granola bar, yogurt, triscuits and cheese, or other healthy stuff!.

Ok, well most of the first answers are wrong!. It usually doesn't JUST depend on your height, but your body's shape!. Your only 13 so don't go on a diet!. Just try to eat more healthier and less snacks!. Play outside on nice days for at least an hour, and play the Wii as much as you want on rainy days!. I hope I helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no fast food, no sodas, it makes a load of difference!. When I was a teen and wanted to loose weight, I cut a hole in a trash bag and went for a walk with it under my shirt everyday--- oh, and weigh yourself everyday!. you seem like you're overly critical!. You'll be proud when the scale goes down, and work harder if it goes up!. But it will keep you from binging more than once!.

mostly, though, don't obsess!. too much weight obsession these days for young girls!. You're tall!. 140 isn't fat for your height, It's just not digitally altered, anorexic skinny!. You don't have that much to lose!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, I'd say just eat what you're eating now!. Maybe a little more protein or carbs, and eat a couple pieces of fruit for snacks!.
As soon as you start exercising, you should start losing fat and building muscle!.
Just don't eat too much more and you'll be just fine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with Anarchy(sp!?) I was the same height and weight at your age, and stayed that way up to present day!.!.
You will "grow" into your body!.!.

Enjoy your teenage years!. Have fun, and you will find that your will be less preoccupied with your "body"

Take care!Www@Answer-Health@Com

honey, for eing 5'6 you are at the perfect weight!.

don't worry so much!.

besides skinny is over rated, most guys like thicker chicks from what i've seen!.

they want a girl with curves, not a pencilWww@Answer-Health@Com

Com on lol, you just need a routine, and pressure!. I can help you with that just give me your email if not, just search on google, diet routines, but you need some one to remaind you to dont give up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Breakfeast-corn flakes
lunch-1lean pocket(hot pocket)
dinner-whole wheat pasta
snacks-whole wheat toast
bringging you to aprox!. 1000 calories a dayWww@Answer-Health@Com

you are the average american teenage girl!. if you really want a diet ill tell you this, is you eat large portions of food eat smaller portions and cut back on the sweets a littleWww@Answer-Health@Com

Im 13 and 5'6 in a half and 120 pounds you really don't need to go on a diet but yeah that stuff does work and soft ball works all parts of the body and so does basket ball!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your normal weight


don't believe me check that websiteWww@Answer-Health@Com

well your at the right height and weight that is perfect you don't need to worrier but try not to gain a lot of weight your perfectWww@Answer-Health@Com

I am the same as you only 5'5" and 15! I hope I didn't excite you too much by letting you see you have an answer!.!.but I really need help too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This website is soo helpful! You fill out the info and amout you want to lose by when and they give a spicific diet plan!. IT'S AMAZING!


hope it works :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your 13 love yourself first and the rest will work itself out!. just make sure you start eating the right foods now and drink plenty of water!.!.!. set the ground work for later on in life!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't eat just water and crackers and push a cart around save cans and live under the bridge all that walking will help your weight

From the Doc of Love

You sound healthy, that's not fat at all!.

EDIT: Yeah, psh I love a girl with some curves, Mariah Carey has a beautiful figure!Www@Answer-Health@Com


your weight is fine
we like a bit thicker ladies

yeah we guys don't want a flippen stick! we want curves and a big ***!Www@Answer-Health@Com

shes right!Www@Answer-Health@Com

omygosh same here!! hahaha and we look alike too!.!.!.
someone answer this!! i need help too!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You sound perfect!. im 14 and 5'6 but 125!? is that too skinny!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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