A Skinny Problem- How do I handle it?!

Question: A Skinny Problem- How do I handle it!?
Ok, before you post some harsh comments, just want to clarify-
Anorexic is when you are really skinny but think you're fat!.
Buleimic is when you throw up food so you won't gain weight!.

I am a 12 year old girl turning 13 soon!. I am 5 feet 3 inches!. And I weigh 85 pounds!. I know I'm really, really skinny, but that's not my problem!. My problem is that people always asume that I'm anorexic, which I'm not!. I try to tell everyone I am content with my body but it doesn't work!. It gets tiresome to always explain that I KNOW I'm skinny and I'm definately NOT trying to lose weight!.!.!. What should I do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Print out this article and keep it in your notebook-just whip it out whenever someone tries to say something about you!.


This girl had the same issue!. She is still super thin!.

Say you can not help it if you have thin genetics or a fast metabolism!. Also tell them how immature it is to tell someone they have such a serious disease as anorexia nervosa, just because they are thinner then you!.
Say people die of eating disorders everyday and should be given some respect by NOT throwing around there illness titles to every skinny girl you see like it is all some joke!. Tell them to

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