How do you work out each part of the body?!

Question: How do you work out each part of the body!?
How do you work out each part of your body!. in your answer say the part of the body!. and then what you have to do!.
ex!. upper body-benchpress!.
^^ i dont know if thats right
please and thank youWww@Answer-Health@Com

Bench press 5 sets
Incline dumbell press- 3 sets
Incline flies- 2 sets
flat flies- 2 sets
pushups to failure- 2 sets

pull-ups- 8 sets of 3 forward grip immediately folllowed by 3 reverse grip with 1 minute rest between sets!. (I just started this)
one arm dumbell rows- 3 sets
seated cable row- 2 sets over hand 2 sets underhand

Parallel Squat- 5 sets
Front squats- 3 sets
Leg press- 3 sets
Leg Extenstions/curls- 3 sets
Straight leg dead lift- 2 sets
calf raises- 5 sets

Barbell Military press- 3 sets
Dumbell military press- 2 sets
Arnold presses- 2 sets
Front/lateral/ incline reverse raises- 2 sets each
Shrugs- 3 sets barbell, 3 sets dumbell

Barbell curls- 3 sets
preacher curl 3 sets
cable curl- 2 sets
concentration curls- 2 sets

Close grip push downs- 3 sets
Close grip bench press- 3 sets
Laying down overhead extensions w/dumbell- 3 sets
reverse 1 arm push down - 3 sets

haha, or just try out Bodybuilding!.com, that website has so much information about training!. Don't let the bodybuilding name deter you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

lol, try this site, its got ex body builders and current models saying how they got there bodies, loads of videos and help

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