How to get a smaller waist and big hips without my ribs and bones showing.?!

Question: How to get a smaller waist and big hips without my ribs and bones showing!.!?
What I need is a exercise plan to get my small waist and big hips within a 1 1/2 year period because i'll be in high school soon!. And I also need to know what to eat during this exercise plan and I aslo want to gain some weight in my butt so i'll aslo need an exercise and diet plan for that!. I am very serious about this question so i don't need an answer like you should love your body and you shouldn't change it because i adore my body I just need some improvements!. Oh and please make sure that when you leave the exercise and diet plans that they don't leave me being to bony!.
THANKS A TON FOR THE HELP!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok for eating, dont eat junk!.!.!.duh, thats easy a lot of people know that!. Try to not eat a lot of salty things, it traps water in you and it doesnt help you lose weight!. Drink lots and lots of water, stay away from slim fast/vitamin water/energy drinks, some might be good the energy drinks are horrible for you and water beats them all out for quality and its FREE! Water is the bodies oil!. Drink more and youll feel great!. Try to eat small but more portions of good food throughout the day, it speeds up your matabolism!.

To burn fat, you need cardio and lots of it!. Go running, biking, swimming, jump rope is pretty good and fun sometimes and rowing!.

But if your serious about losing FAT you need to forget about your scale and just look at your body!. Muscle weighs a lot more than fat so if you start working out and get discouraged because your gaining weight its because your getting toner, and thats a good thing!

Ok then, some good work outs for ya!.!.!.These are gonna be good for ya because you dont even need a gym or any real equipment, just mostly dead weight exercises!.

For the buns
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms at sides, toes turned out!.
Tuck tailbone under and contract glutes!.
Lower body into a plie squat as low as you can go without allowing knees to creep past toes!.
Simultaneously raise arms to shoulder height in front of body, palms down!. Hold for 2 seconds, then return to starting position!.
After 20 reps, pulse at the bottom for 20 seconds!.

Hip-Lift Progression
This is an awesome way to relieve tension in your lower back and work your butt at the same time!. (A cushy mat will keep your tailbone from crying afterward!.)
Lie on your back with your arms at your sides with your knees bent and your feet on the floor!.
Lift your hips toward the ceiling!. Hold for 1 count, and then lower back down!.
Repeat the lifts for 60 seconds, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top of the range of motion!. Be careful not to overarch your spine!.
To make this exercise more difficult, extend one leg at the top of the lift!. Keep your thighs parallel and hold the lifted position for about 5 seconds!.
Keeping your hips up, place your foot back on the floor and then lower your hips!.
Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds; switch sides and do the move for another 30 seconds on the other

Dumbbell Squats
A simple way to kick off even a quickie workout, these squats are powerful little moves!. Over time, increase reps and dumbbell weight to amp them up!.
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and 8- to 10-pound dumbbells by your thighs!.
Squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair, keeping your weight over your heels!.
Squeeze your glutes as you return to the start position!.
Do 15-20 reps!.
As you continue, keep the weight in your heels, making sure your knees do not past forward of your toes!.
For a bigger challenge, try it without the weights, jump explosively, and land in the squat position!.

do lots of squats!. also do leg lifts on your side and your back (lay on your back and SLOWLY lift you legs up and down, if it doesnt hurt, do it a lot slower!. shoot for 25 lifts, if it doesnt hurt, go to 50)

Bicep Exercises
Standing Barbell Curls
1!. grab your weight with an underhand grip with feet shoulder width apart
2 !. allow the weight to hang in front of you, keeping your elbows close to you at all times!.
3!. moving only your forearms bring the weight into your shoulders!.
4!. hold for about 5 seconds and then repeat!.
Dumbbell Concentration Curls
1!. sit on the end of a bench with your legs spread
2!. reach down in between your legs and pick up a light weight with one hand!.
3!. place your elbow on your knee and make sure your arm is fully straight!.
4!. place your other hand on your other knee so the upper body has some support!.
5!. using your forearm only bring the weight to your shoulder and hold for a few seconds!.
6!. repeat and then switch arms
Triceps exercises
Lying Barbell Extentions
1!. lie on a workout bench with feet shoulder length apart on each side!.
2!. grab the weight and hold it above your head with your arms straight!.
3!. using your forearms only, lower the weigh until it is about one inch above your forehead!.
4!.then push the weight back to starting position and then repeat!.
Tricep Dumbbell Extensions
1!. grab a light weight with one hand with feet shoulder length apart
2!. lift the weight so your arms are straight above your head
3!. slowly lower the weight behind your head
4!. then slowing lift the weight again above your head until your in the starting position!.
5!. repeat for one set of 10 times and then do the same for the other arm!.
Forearm exercises
Barbell Wrist Curls
1!. grab a weight with your wrists facing down!.
2!. sit on a workout bench with your arms resting on your legs and your wrists hanging over the bench!.
3!. using your forearm strength, curl the weight using only your wrists
4!. hold the weight for a few seconds and then slowly lower it to starting position!.
5!. repeat and do the same with other arm!.
Dumbbell Wrist Curls
1!. grab a dumbbell and and keep your palms face up!.
2!. sit on a flat bench and let your forearms rest on your legs!.
3!. grab the weight and allow your wrists to hang off the bench!.
4!. using your arms, pull the weight towards your elbows and hold!.
5!. repeat and do the same for the other arm!.

Try pilates and such!. Sadly crunches, dont do sit ups it just makes it worse!. Do a think called bikes, lay on your back and rotate your legs like your on a bike (but ur flat on ur back with ur legs bent in the air)!. To make it more burning for your abs, when your left leg is in towards your body curl up ur abs to touch ur right elbow to your left knee, then switch left elbow to right knee left leg extended!. Also you can lay on your back, put your hands under your back (because its hard to keep ur hands down if you dont I guess) then slowly lift both your legs at the same time up and down, not touching the floor!. Doesnt burn, go slower, go for 25, if not just keep going!.

Good luck!




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