Anybody has a weight watchers story that they wanna share?!

Question: Anybody has a weight watchers story that they wanna share!?
I am just starting the weight watchers program!. After talking to several family members who have had success on the program, I decided it would be in my best interest to try it also!. My goal is to lose at least 50 lbs but preferably more!. Anybody has had success with it!. I would love to hear from you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had success with Weight Watches!. I managed to lose 48lbs in just over 6 months!. That was 16 months ago!. I have since then been able to maintain my weight with ease!.

Weight Watchers educated me!. I had not realised how much sugar and saturated fat I was consuming!. Of course, these being responsible for a lot of my weight gain!. The weekly meetings are really informative!. I made sure I stayed after my every weigh in!. It is really encouraging to speak to people in the same position as you!. Of course, I had some weeks which were bad weeks and did not manage to lose weight, or I put weight on!.

But I was so determined to lose weight, be fitter and healthier!. I had a goal and I reached it!. You can too!. Be patient and give yourself time!. You won't lose the weight overnight, just as you didn't put it on overnight!.

I followed their Core Plan!. I found this plan so easy!. I never felt hungry!. I still follow this plan now!.

But I also embarked on regular exercise!. Something I had never done before!. I know, that this really helped acelerate my weight loss and now helps to maintain it!. I also have some picutures on my fridge of when I was overweight!. These remind how uncomfortable I felt!. I also have pictures on my fridge of myself now!. So when I feel like over eating, these remind of how I want to be!.

I joined a gym!. Really enjoyed using the treadmill!. I started to run on it very slowly for a short amount of time!. Till eventually, I could run on it for about 30 minutes or more!. I now also run outside on a regular basis!.

I think losing weight is all about making the right food choices!. Trying to MOVE as much as you can will help so much!. Eating right and taking regular exercise works wonders!. The two go together perfectly!.

I wish you lots of good luck!. You have set yourself a goal!. It really is possible to achieve it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I started Weight Watchers three months ago and lost almost fourty pounds!. My mom was on it six years ago and lost 70 some pounds and has kept it off for the five years since!. The program works, and the kid above who said their mom gained 40 pounds probably wasnt even following the program right!.!.

Anyways, good luck on your weight loss, Weight Watchers is an excellent program!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

weight watchers is bull
u can eat whatever you want as long as its in the points!.!.!.its a load of crap
my mom gained 40 pounds from it
she was doing it right
she stayed in the points u stay in the points your doing it right
for most people this can strip off weight cuz your not eating as much as you usually do instead of 6000 calories of empty food
your eating 1500 of empty food therefore you loose weight
doesnt make you any healthier, also your going to reach a plateau
have funWww@Answer-Health@Com

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