Muscled thighs on a girl??!

Question: Muscled thighs on a girl!?!?
My thighs are slim-ish but very muscled!. I can see bulges above my knees on the outside of my leg where the muscle is!. I think it looks kind of funny but I don't want to lose my muscle because I play sports and stuff and I need to be strong!. What exercises should I be doing to avoid this muscle build-up!?

By the way I run a very hilly running route that is about 8km, I mountain bike a lot too!. Eat healthy etc!.

5'4" 115 lbs!.


Girl quit complaining ;) It took me 4 yrs for my Quad and Hamstring muscles to come out defined and I'm in my early 40's LOL !. You my dear are blessed with GREAT genetics embrace it :) !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's difficult to suggest changes to your exercise routine as we don't know what sports you play regularly!. But you can bet running uphill and mountain biking will keep those muscles big!.

I think you shouldn't worry about it, especially as you are probably genetically gifted with very responsive and powerful quads!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You might avoid doing any weight training on your legs (if you do)!. It sounds like you give your legs a great workout with your biking and running!.

Well toned legs are sexy in my opinion!.

Keep up the good work!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Personally I think being muscular is a hell of a lot better than being skinny!

But, according to what I've heard, pilates and yoga will lengthen and flatten your muscles!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Honey, personally I love my muscled thighs & I bet yours look great, too!. Keep 'em!.

I'm sure the guys you like will like them too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


I wish i was like that!. I'm a 5'3'' 117 pound girl, and need to tone up, your where I want to beWww@Answer-Health@Com

so what is the problem!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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