I don't know what to do can't decide plz. help interval then lift????!

Question: I don't know what to do can't decide plz!. help interval then lift!?!?!?!?
i plan to do an interval training first then lift in the morning before breakfast!. is it a good idea!?!?!? Or interval, eat then lift!?!?!?!? Or interval training, eat, then lift in the afternoon

is intense cadio and intercval training the same thing!?!?!?!?
Thank you so much, i very appreciate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, intense cardio and HIIT (high intensity interval training) are in essense the same thing!. Ihterval training is simply one form of intense cardio!. Intense cardio is an excellent way to boost the metabolism and increase fatty acid oxidation during rest, as well as naturally raise GH levels!.

You may want to rethink when you eat!. It's a myth that doing cardio before eating will force the body to use fat stores for energy!. First thing in the morning the body is in a highly catabolic (muscle wasting) state, and adding physical activity on top of that only deepens and extends catabolism!. What this does is forces the body to convert muscle tissue into aminos then glucose for energy, and actually minimally impacts fat stores!. Additionally, when exercising on an empty stomach you simply cannot exercise at the same level of intensity, so you're not getting as much out of your workout!.

The idea of fat loss should be to raise the metabolic rate during rest, not just how many cals are burned during the workout or being in the "fat burning zone", that's an antiquated concept with little science backing it!. Both high intensity cardio and weight training have been proven to increase the resting metabolic rate more than other exercise forms!.

So, have at least a little breakfast consisting of a mix of proteins and carbs a good hour or more before your workout, if possible - that gives digestion time for gastric emptying and nutrients to start hitting the blood stream where it can then be used for energy and muscle building!.

If possible, split up cardio and weight training days!. If you must do both in one day, split them up cardio in the morning and weights in the afternoon!. If done at the same time, do weights first always, which helps prevent the body from again using muscle tissue for energy!. The idea is to preserve hard-earned lean muscle tissue!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its best to eat first then wait about an hour to an hour and a hafe then work out!. You muscles get energy from food!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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