Does having your period affect your weight?!

Question: Does having your period affect your weight!?
Im trying to lose weight and it was going great until I got my period three days ago since then my weights been fluctuating all over the place!.!.!. which isnt a normal thing for me!.!.!. (134!.92pounds, 134!.04pounds, 135!.36pounds)

Could my period be the reason!? Also, yesterday I had sort of a binge day!. I have 1 cup of corn chips, a slice of cheesecake for desert and 2 small pieces of white chocolate!. I FEEL LIKE A DISGUSTING PIG! Could the binging have anything to do with it!?

PLEASE HELP!! ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

Ya you gain a little, its normal, you gain water weight and etc!. Your body is preparing for pregnancy and when it doesnt happen you have your period!. lol!.!.!. dont worry your weight will go back to normal after!.
If you pig out on junk food it wont help ya either, but when you get your period most women need the junk food!.
Dont worry about it everything will go back to normal after its done!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

OK, a fluctuation of 1!.04 pounds is not really considered "all over the place"!. In fact, it's normal for weight to fluctate 2 to 3 pounds during the course of one day depending on a multitude of factors!.

Your period definately affects this because hormones cause water retention (and sometimes cravings, as in your case)!. Make sure you drink plenty of water to help flush accumulated fluids and consider taking a diuretic starting a couple of days before and leading up to your period!.

The binging may also have something to do with your weight-loss!. Are you eating enough calories to stave off your hunger!? If not, you'll suffer a double-whammy because not only are you binging because of a caloric deficiency but also because of the hormone changes!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

other way around your weight affects your period and your period does make you cravve!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes very much so!. You bloat and retain water like crazy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes its called water weight dont worry about itWww@Answer-Health@Com

of course you are bloatedWww@Answer-Health@Com

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