Do you think that eating oat meal once a day of everyday and drinking water wou!


Do you think that eating oat meal once a day of everyday and drinking water would help me to lose weight fast

because i'm trying to lose weight before school starts august 24


If you're really committed to losing weight, you have plenty of time to drop a few pounds by August 24th. Losing about a pound or two a week is the most you can hope for (meaning 7-14 pounds by August 24), and that's if you watch your calorie intake and exercise frequently. I don't believe oatmeal and water is the key to losing weight, but here's a great website that can get you started on healthier eating:

Controlling portion size and eating calories in your weight loss range (which you can calculate on the website I gave) will help you lose weight quickly. You can also log your food consumption and activities every day on the site, as well as join the wonderful community of users all trying to lose weight like you! They're very supportive and have tons of recipes and such to try.

In terms of exercise, start jogging 3-4 days a week for 30 minutes at a time. It's a great way to get some calories burned and stay fit. Listening to your favorite tunes makes the time go by quicker. You don't have to keep a pace that makes you huff and puff only a few minutes into your workout. Slow jogging works too!

Good luck, and I hope you make your goal. You have to find the inner motivation to lose takes time and doesn't happen by itself (especially not on a diet of oatmeal and water)!!

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