Calorie book?!


Calorie book?

My mom has this book that lists the number of carbs, calories, fats, etc. in what seems like every food imaginable. Everything from McDonald's to and ice cream cone to a cucumber. Is there anywhere online that lists something like that for free? Also, I want to keep a journal of what I eat so I'll be more aware, because I am a junk food junkie, what would you recommend? Counting carbs or calories and fat? And what's a good daily goal for whichever one. I'm not trying to lose a lot of weight, maybe 15 to 20 poundish.

Answers: has many items listed that will help you if you want to count calories. Like you said, from McDonald's french fries to the calories of a egg.

And has workout calorie counters to help you determine how many calories you've burned many exercises that are customized to your shape, weigh and height.

Also a good food log journal can be found on if you join (its free!) they'll send you coupons make recommendations on how much you should be losing per week and have a weigh tracker for you.

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