How can I lose weight if I am always hungry!!!?!

Question: How can I lose weight if I am always hungry!!!!?
I really really want to lose weight, but I can never do it cause I get hungry, and I have to eat of course!. I even thought about fasting with those detox diets to set me on the right path,cause once I lsoe at least 10lbs!. I get motivated!.

What can I eat or do or take!! LOL to stop my hunger!?
Cause right now I feel like I will never lose weight, unless I walk around with a stomach ache from hunger pangsWww@Answer-Health@Com

start limiting your meals to a smaller but still healthy amount!. dont eat late at night!. work out daily run 4-5 days a week!. get rid of the junk food( youll get over it after a while) dont smoke or drink or do drugs!. eat 2 -3 healthy and evenly spaced out snacks a day along with atleast breakfest and dinner!. you can eat the most for breakfest that way you have energy throughout the day and you have all day to burn any of it off!. find a comfortable time to work out (not to early or not to late) I prefer 6 pm because that is when my energy is the fullest (im not a morning person)!. hope this helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Everyone's metabolism is different, but for me, eating 3 meals a day and a low calorie protein shake (such as "Gold Standard 100% whey) between meals has given me excellent results)!. The greater your protein intake is, the less hungry you'll feel!. Try egg whites in the morning, they are high in protein and very low on calories!. If you decide to take a fat burner, Hydroxycut and Lipo-6 are good options, they decrease your apetite and increase your energy levels!.
Allow yourself to cheat once a week (have a burger or whatever it was that you craved all week, just don't over do it)!.
Also, drink at least one glass of water before meals, it will help you feel full faster!.
Give it a shot, I hope this works for you too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat fruit, to stop the hunger!.

Lots of walking, water and more fibre!.

I suggest that you take time to find a good guide on weight loss and dieting!. I can recommend one to you and I will post a link to my blog where I talk about issues like these at the bottom!.

Think of it like this!.!.!. if you follow the instructions on the blog weight loss and dieting should only take one attempt!. Why go through frustrating struggles and risk injury when you can do it the right way!.

Feel free to drop by and leave me a question or comment!. I hope you will have the same results that I did!


good luck to you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi ,if there was "1 answer fit all" to this Q ,I'd be a Millionaire!. it's amusing to note that we all talk on what's we put in ,never on what come's out !.You must start with the understanding you're alone on this ,and take actions !.Find first what is it you eat -per week !. See what make you feel good eating ,what make you feel so after eating ,what make you full and what make you fool [ the junk will feel good but this feeling will be short ,and you'll want more ] Now ,only after you understand yourself in this respect try this : Before you eat what feel good eating ,eat this that feel good after ,meaning not feeling stuffed ,not constipated or diuretic etch !.So first you eat for health ,and then "reward" yourself with some junk !.This way the good stuff take a bigger percent of what's come in ,and it's easier to do it because you know that it's junk time soon !.I'd also recommend taking one food out completely for a week ,starting with bread in all variations ,including whatever is made with wheat !.There is something to bread that making it a part of all cultures ,but it's not what is bread presently !.You don't know where ,how ,with what chemicals it was raised or prepared and the end results is causing much harm !.Do not trust me or Any else ,try!.Then let me know!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

snack!! i know it sounds weird but thats what i do!. when i get hungry between meals i snack on fruits or veggies!. sometimes i make fruit smooties and they hold me over, i also chew gum, eat sunflower seeds and drink plenty of water!. strangely enough when i walk my hunger fades also!. i hope i helped hun!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Check out a product called Now Slim!. They have something called hunger strips which help to suppress your appetite and they only use natural ingredients in them!.

look at the following blog with some indepth info on it


instead of three meals a day have 6 small meals!.
sounds stupid right !?!. but its true if you have 6 small meals a day it stops being hungry and lose weight at the same time!.
small break fast!.
light snack!.
afternoon snack!.
a light snack!.
but never eat before going to bed!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well you can do a little sport and then eat a little snack!.
thats what i do! :D lol
or just go out and have fun with some friend and you'll forget your hungryness!.Sometimes happens to me too lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

You can just eat NEGATIVE CALORIE foods!.
You can eat a lot of them and LOSE WEIGHT at the same time!.

just search negative calorie foods on google for more information!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

if u wana lose weight at home without exercising!.!.!.!.!.!.the best way
to lose weight !.!.!.
open dis website and it has so many tips for weight lose in pink
color links!.!.!.try the pink color links n u can easily lose weight
at home without exercisingWww@Answer-Health@Com

wu long green tea and raw green coffee beans!.

failing that u could take speed and amphets!?
probably the most efective but i would personaly stick withh green tea!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try Green Tea, that always seems to suppress my apetite!. I also carry carrot sticks or celery sticks in my bag for munchies!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes but dont its very dangress i know because i tride it and turn anarexitWww@Answer-Health@Com

drink lots of water, it makes you full!.
fruits and veggies are good too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi!. As some of the above answers indicate it is about what you eat and when you eat it!.

Firstly, the carbohydrate component of your diet really needs to be low GI!. This is particularly important when you are on a low calorie diet because you really feel it when your blood sugar starts to fall!.

Secondly, have the carbs for breakfast, a bit for lunch and some in the mid afternoon - say a muesli bar!. This will trickle charge your blood with sugar (=energy) throughout the day when you need it!.

To get rid of the hungries you need food with a high satiatity factor!. The easiest of these is food high in protein!. In terms of stopping the craving to eat there is nothing better in terms of effect for the calories consumed than whey protein powder!. Two tsp in a 1/4 glass of skim milk fills you up about as much as a sandwich for less than 20% of the calories!.

I eat a mixture of protein powder, agar and psyllum husk as a between meal snack!. About 2 tablespoons in milk fills you up nicely!. This is not a substitute for eating real food mind you, just to get you over those cravings!.

The other thing that is important is to eat before you get hungry, and drink plenty of water!.

I also keep track of exactly what I eat and keep a diary!. This helps take the guesswork out of whether I am eating less than I am burning!. A calorie deficit of no more than 500 - 1000 cal a day is your objective for even, noticeable and sustainable weight control!.

Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

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