How can I make my abs and arms and everything else grow?!

Question: How can I make my abs and arms and everything else grow!?
I am kind of chubby, age 15, and my arm are kind of big in muscle!. I do know that they are gettig fatter because I dont exercise!. How do I make them grow like!.!.!.really grow!? Also, my abs!. I hear that you have to get rid of the fat covering them first before you can start to show them!. How do I get rid of the fat covering my abs!? And after that, how can I make my chest, and everything grow!?


Phase one is to just get into shape, as you stated your abdominal muscles will not show until you lose the layer of fat covering them (everyone has a six pack, most of us just have it covered)!. Lots of cardio, and watch what you eat (No fast Food, except on Sunday)!. Once you are in pretty good shape, get a strenuous workout routine that you enjoy!. Never give up!Www@Answer-Health@Com

weeeell, obviously the answer lies in your hands - exercise! :)

i have a friend named richard who used to be pretty pudgy/big ish, not like HUGE, but he was pudgy - and all of a sudden, he started to work out & stuff (took gym, mezz, whatever available at school) and in a few weeks time, he started to show some progress!. his fat developed into muscles, and he no longer looked pudgy, he looked buff!. (don't take this offensive, but) do you have abs!? or do you want to build abs!.!. yes, you do need to get rid of the fat - it's neccessary, or good to do a LOT of scrunches in order to show a difference in your upper body!. if you want your chest to grow in SIZE, i'm not sure, but if you exercise daily, it should help with EVERYTHING in general!. if you're focusing on ONE goal - as in getting a six pack or iunno LOL then just do the scrunches & exercises required for "ab building"!. but if you're focusing on making your body buff/healthy/big then do other exercises!.!.!. that are more general, do little of each, you know!?

haha that probably didn't help but i tried my best :)
and i'm a girl so i wouldn't reaaally know much about abs!. but i know i exercise daily :) at 6:30, until 7:30 - makes a big difference!Www@Answer-Health@Com

DUDE ur 15 if u want ot to grow get a mens fittness magazine and follow wat it says worked for meWww@Answer-Health@Com

do ab workouts!.!.!.go on a diet!.!.!. exercise more and get out when you have a chanceWww@Answer-Health@Com

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