Work outs?!

Question: Work outs!?
im trying to tone my thighs, butt and arms!.!.!.!.i walk for 5mins and run for 5mins on intervals for 30 mins on the treadmill!.!.!.i do leg presses and i l do the weights for my arms (the ones that on on the machines not free weights)!.!.!.!.what else do i do to achieve toneness and lose some wieght!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

im not really sure if you will like this because i am a guy, but i am really into great nutrition and fitness so i have alot of experience!.

The real question i think you should be asking is not to lose weight, but to look thinner!. Many women try to just lose weight, and that is not a good thing because all that does is screw with your mind!.
what you need to start doing is gaining muscle over fat!. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, pretty straight and simple!. you could lose 10 pounds of fat, while excercising, and then at the same time gain 10 pounds of muscle, which is an amazing feat, but if you are relying on your weight formula, it doesnt cut it!. You will look much slimmer and cut with muscle than fat!. Who cares what your weight is, no one follows you around with a scale!. haha!.

ok, to do this, i would start to:
eat healthy (raw veggies and fruit mostly)
build muscle (lift some easy weights 3 times a week, make sure you work your back and legs as well, as they are your biggest muscle groups!.)
do cardio 3-6 times a week in between muscle days (this will give your body a break, and will relax you as well as burn calories!. I would recommend running and biking, as those are the best calorie burners, and the most fun too!. I would also recommend atleast 30 minutes as a time, keeping a great pace, test yourself, go farther if you feel like it!.)
stay positive ( a positive attitude is great for change!. look at life differently and you will see it differently )
hope this helps :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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