What healthy habits do you have?!

Question: What healthy habits do you have!?
I always Eat Breakfast Every Morning

I always try and eat healthy foods in order to be fit and healthy!. Simple food stuffs like vegetables, fruits, nuts, tubers, lean meat, pulses, ect can keep you healthy and strong!.

For good health, you need to exercise daily!. Exercising in the morning can leave you with a refreshed feeling throughout the day!. Exercising can put you in a good mood and it will be easier for you to think positively and eat healthy foods!. You can also get involved in activities such as swimming, biking, walking or playing your favorite sport in order to keep you healthy!.
It is very important to improve your health in order to be happy and enjoy life!. Besides exercise you need to have good sleep and rest in order to be healthy!. Sound sleep can refresh your mind and make you feel healthy !. All these simple changes in your life style can improve your health and make you feel strong and fit!. You will feel a sense of well being, both emotionally and physically!. I drink lots of water!?

Good night to you my little Sunflower xoxo
May you always have enough happiness to keep you sweet enough trials to keep you strong; enough success to keep you eager; enough faith to give you courage; enough determination to make each day a good day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Drinking lots of water!. I don't like pop too much!. I think water is the best tasting beverage!. Kind of weird since most people don't think water has a taste, but oh well!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I get enough sleep and I try to eat five a day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


washing my handsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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