Healthy high calorie foods?!

Question: Healthy high calorie foods!?
I'm trying to gain some weight by eating healthy high calorie foods!. I was wondering, would it be enough if I just eat a bus load of nuts every day!? Or would I need a variety of foods for my diet!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well you do want to go with diversity!. Nuts are certainly nutritious but you still want to double check to make sure you are not getting a lot of unhealthy fat!. Before you buy anything check to see how things are prepared!. You definitely need to read the labels now days and stay away from the harmful fats (trans fats)!.

So here is my list:

dried fruits

cheeses and yogurts - again watch those fats!. (You don't want to increase your cholesterol along with those calories)!.

high fiber snacks (whole wheat, grains, etc)

Hummus is a good dip to use


I would just take a walk around a health food store and see what you can find and just read the labels!. Just be conscious of those unnatural fats!.

It's very wise of you to want to gain weight with nutritional foods instead of just pigging out on whatever!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

well it depends on why you need to gain weight [is it for health reasons or do you want to gain muscles!?]

If you are underweight it will probably be best for you to add more carbs in your diet!. Black pasta, bread and rice have many calories and they are also quite healthy providing you with fibre!. Dairy products such as full fat milk and hard cheese also have a lot of calories and they also give you protein and calcium!. And of course if you need to gain muscle you need a lot of protein so meat [provided you are an omnivore], nuts, seeds and dairy will be great for you!.

P!.S!. A friend of mine that was diagnosed as dangerously underweight also used to drink a lot of high calorie milkshakes as she found it difficult to increase her food intake!. That is not particularly healthy but if you find eating difficult it might be better for you to drink your calories!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i like marie calenders t!.v!. dinners!.!.!.i guessWww@Answer-Health@Com

Why not just lift weights!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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