Why do i eat so much?!


Why do i eat so much?

I started off ok, then i just went wrong and i couldnt stop. How do i prevent that!


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3 days ago
If i am addicted tocarbs and sugar how do i change that?


judging from your nutrition report, my advice would be as follows;

review the list of what you have eaten. it should be obvious to you that a few food items (ice cream, peach almond crisp, chewy trail mix) contribute to the largest portion of your caloric intake.

i suggest you try reducing your portion size of these foods (4 servings, wow!), or cut it out of your diet completely. if you think you have the willpower to give up that ice cream, try replacing it with a lower calorie salad with a creamy dressing. just because you are dieting doesnt mean you cant eat good food! also, cut out a lot of your processed foods and go for more organic foods and whole grain foods that contain complex carbohydrates. complex carbs require more energy for your digestive system to process them, so you wont gain as much.

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