Is pushups really an effective way to build muscle?!


Is pushups really an effective way to build muscle?

If so how many should you do daily and weekly?


The number of push ups you should do is dependent on one thing: how many push ups you can do in the first place. Push ups work two major muscles, pectorals and triceps, and by doing push ups you increase stregnth in both these muscle groups (arms and chest). I suggest doing 3 sets of regular push ups until failure (keep doing push ups until the last one is very hard), and 3 sets of daimond pushups (or pushups with the hands alot closer then normal). For the closer handed pushups, it is not necessary to go as far down as regular pushups, and when you get to the top, really push your chest out (like you are pretending to walk around like a macho man). I like these because the lower part of the close handed push up works the arms really well, and the upper most part helps to squeeze the chest muscles together.

Remember, go slow and have good form (like a plank). How many you do is not as important as how well you do them.

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