Does a fear of getting hemorrhoids make you eat more Vegetables and Bran?!

Question: I for one enjoy a Healthy Diet and enjoy the fact that I will avoid this discomfort. For those that act like idiots and will not eat well, the itchy bum and pain is their fate.

Answers: I for one enjoy a Healthy Diet and enjoy the fact that I will avoid this discomfort. For those that act like idiots and will not eat well, the itchy bum and pain is their fate.

Don't kid yourself, mate.

Piles will still afflict you, if your PELVIC FLOOR muscles weaken. In the 'western' culture, these muscles are thought to weaken with age, but they don't need to.

Traditional yoga includes a lot of different exercises that work these muscles, so that with regular practice you can avoid piles (and hernias). A pilates class will also teach you how to activate and strengthen this important part of your 'core'.

There are some advantages to a high-fibre diet, though. Your chances of suffering from bowel cancer and diverticulitis are lower than the (meat-eating, constipated) average in the UK.

You are also likely to have a much better ratio of 'friendly' bacteria in your gut, keeping the more dangerous types under control.

Ooh, harsh. I had an hemorrhoids operation in 1995 and wouldn't wish that, or the other, on my worst enemy.

and drink green tea too

Drink more fluids and eat more vegetables and fruit. I also read somewhere that stress could also be a cause of hemorrhoids. No need to have a fear of anything because its a waste of time.

Drink more fluids and eat more vegetables and fruit and dont forgett milk drink everyday and toast....

Good job you can't get pregnant mate! Hemorrhoids come with carrying the baby for 9 months.

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