What's the best kind of energy/weight-pill?!

Question: i need to start taking something that will boost my energy and help me loose weight at the same time help!!!!!

Answers: i need to start taking something that will boost my energy and help me loose weight at the same time help!!!!!

I really like Slimmetry and XS Energy Drinks. Together they give you a sufficient amount of energy. I started taking the Slimmetry and in a week and a half I lost 11 pounds. The XS Energy Drinks are actually very healthy for you too. They have no sugar, no carbs and only 8 calories and they are loaded with b-vitamins. They were developed by a marathon runner for energy but also so his muscles could recover quicker. It actually tastes really really good and theres like 13 different flavors. The pill does give you a little energy but it's much better to drink the drinks with it. You will find and be able to buy both at http://www.adrennan.qhealthzone.com If you've never heard of XS before, it is the number two energy drink in the world but it's privately held and Slimmetry is made by Nutrilite which is the number one vitamin and supplement company in the world. They actually have it so that if you try their stuff and don't like it for any reason, you can get all of your money back which is awesome. Well hope this helped :)

Size zero and Envy are good if you can handle the caffine, if not Hydroxycut

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