Can drinking too much cold water make you fat?!

Question: I love drinking a lot of cold water hate hot water every since and the thing mum keep complainin bout me becoming fat...she says the fat in my body wont lose coz drinkin too much cold water.....but i think that is complete nuts>>>>is it truth??? >> pls reply okey...

Answers: I love drinking a lot of cold water hate hot water every since and the thing mum keep complainin bout me becoming fat...she says the fat in my body wont lose coz drinkin too much cold water.....but i think that is complete nuts>>>>is it truth??? >> pls reply okey...

Drinking water helps flush out body fat and other impurities. Its good for your skin and many other things. It will also help you feel full so your not so hungry. Most of us don't drink enough water in one day. At least 12 -8 oz. glasses a day would be sufficient. Eating raw vegetables also contain lots of water and good for you too. Most diets out there tell you to drink lots of water. I have never heard what your mum is talking about. Why don't you look it up on the PC and print it out for her to read.>>>>>>>>>>>>Good luck

fat no, althought you will gain water weight!

No, not true at all.
water has 0 calories and 0 fat content.
It's perfectly fine to drink lots of cold water.

What is true is that you might retain a lot of it, which can make you feel puffy and bloated. It's not fat, though.

She's nuts........water is GOOD for you!and its good to drink it cold. thats a silly myth that Deepak Chopre startd!

drinking water has nothing to do with you gaining body fat

no. it absurd. tell your mom to read a book or two.

actually water helps to flush the fat out of your system when u exercise. It also prevents cellulite. Anyways, your mom shouldnt be calling u fat.

actually they say the colder the water the better it makes your heart and other organs work to warm it up so its better for you internal exercise

You can gain water weight from drinking a lot of water, regardless of it being hot or cold. However, this is easy to lose and won't cause you any real harm.

Um, no. The only thing that is 'bad' (not even that bad) is that really cold water shocks your system. I'm not sure what the side effects are of that, but it can't be too bad since the entire world loves cold water. Have at it, chica.

cold water burns more kilojules. but if you aren't exercising enough then the water will make you bloated

As long as you are staying within the recommended 8 glasses a day, and balancing with a sensible diet (no fab diets!) and moderate exercise program, you'll have nothing to worry about

It will not make you fat but it will surely affect your Teeth

Are you a dumbass? if you drink a ridiculous amount will just explode and die. No biggie.

you should at least drink room temperature water in the morning instead of cold. because the cold can make it harder for your body, when you wake up.. my p.e teacher told me that. i drunk cold water in the morning and my stomached started hurting

NO... actually you burn calories when you drink cold water because your body has to heat up the water. So it helps you lose weight! And no you cant retain water by drinking You retain water by eating too much salt..monthly period, etc

who like hot water to drink every one love to drink a chill water.drinking cold water does not make you fat, its good to drink more and more water

NO- that is absolutely not true. Water is good for you and will not make you fat, not matter how much you drink. If your mum is telling you this you might want to let her know that it is not right that she lies to you about this.

Just as everyone else has already stated
NO WAY can water make you fat, if anything its the opposite. Keep it up its great for your body, and has many many benefits.

You might gain a bit of water weight. Add a lemon wedge to it. Lemon is a natural diuretic. Just tune her out and enjoy your nice complection.
Cold water actually speeds up your metablisom.
Tell her that.

Water contains no fat and no calories, and as your organism needs water, drinking much of it is one of the healthiest things you can possibly do ... BUT - if you love eating salty things, you must be aware that salt "binds" water, which means you can easily gain weight through water the body can't get rid of due to salt! This, I figure, is one of the reasons why there are those salt-free diets.

Whoever gave u the idea? .....of course not....

In general, water is good for your body, and it does not contain anything that will put "fat" on your body.

Some people, though, have medical problems causing their body to "retain water", which is heavier than food. This can come from the use of salt, or from your internal organs.

If your ankles are "puffy" it is a good idea to see your Dr. to check and see if you are having a "water retention problem"

yes.. but not fat.. you'll gain weight coz of the water weight, but you'll loose easily it by perspiration and urinate if you have a good metabolism. it will last for a few days

Nope. Water has no calories at all. Actually your body burns calories warming up warm water, and drinking a lot of water has been show to aid weight loss.

Mom wants you to be trim and healthy I imagine. She's not nuts only knows what she's been taught. I have fat and skinny friends who drink lots of water and there are studies that say that more is not better.
I think it may help you to visit a website & find some answers for yourself. It's
The best answer I can give you is to check out the website and see if you are ok. You may have a medical reason why you feel the need to drink so much water to begin with. If it refreshes you then great, but if you still feel thirsty all the time after drinking it or you are gaining weight at a different pace then you might need to investigate why that is.
Hope this helps.

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