Any suggestions as to how i can survive the next 6 months?!

Question: Im going on a diet/lifestyle change tomorrow. im going to start eating less,working out, and just being healthier. problem is its going to take 6 months to get to my goal. what thoughts can i entertain myself with during the long 6 months to keep myself going. i always feel sad and tired from being fat and i know even working hard it will take 1/2 a year to get to where i need/want to be. How can i deal when im making the switch. ill be mentally there within a couple months probably but i wont physically be there until september. any advice??

Answers: Im going on a diet/lifestyle change tomorrow. im going to start eating less,working out, and just being healthier. problem is its going to take 6 months to get to my goal. what thoughts can i entertain myself with during the long 6 months to keep myself going. i always feel sad and tired from being fat and i know even working hard it will take 1/2 a year to get to where i need/want to be. How can i deal when im making the switch. ill be mentally there within a couple months probably but i wont physically be there until september. any advice??

So you're looking for motivation.....
Find a group of people like you. I found my click at the local gym. This lets us keep up to date with new ideas in the fitness world; not many facts are truly set when it comes to determining what is best in the fitness world.

Lately, I started using a website, , and this has helped me stay motivated by seeing others progress through pictures.

I like to make post-it notes to help me remember what I have planed for that day. That way I don't end up going and eating fast food for a meal. It helps me set goals for short term and long term.

As stated, music is great too. You may just want to buy an mp3 player if you don't have one. This will let you play whatever you want when you are exercising.

Congratulations on your resolution, I hope you stick with it.

Listen to music while exercising.

Find active activities you enjoy such as a walk in the park or working on the yard, walking in the neighborhood or even just resting outside (Good time since the weather is warming up).

The point is to have fun with new activities other than TV or other restful and brain draining activities. Of course relaxing needs to still occur especially first off.

I know for me I try to go outside and work on the pool instead of turning the tube on.

Set goals, not just your overall goal.
Set a goal for each workout (I'm GOING to run 2 miles)
Set a goal for each week (I'm GOING to workout 5 days this week)
Set a goal for each month (I'm GOING to run 30 miles overall this month)
By setting small, short goals you will reach your overall goal
Best of Luck

getting fit is true dedication

eating less isnt really the answer also
eat ever 2-3 hours, very small meals

stick to ur goal tho dont give up,set short and acheivable goals

if ur working out, workout 5 days a week, try to work out with light weight and alot of reps and include cardio everyday
do different, fun workouts and change up ur diet
always have a cheat food at least once or twice a week or u will go mad!! haha
also find friends with your goals

have lean protein such as, chicken and fish

alot of people think carbs are evil but u need them to refuel for the next day of excercise, the key though is to wait after you workout to eat your carbs

fruits and veggies with every meal-no exceptions

also drink alot of water, help you flush out the junk in your body

remember, rome wasnt built in a day
its going to take time,work and dedication but its possible

id love to hear ur progressions, good luck!!

I don't recommend trying to totally cut anything out of your diet, because it is a LIFE LONG change so be practical. I have been through many failed diets and the reason I fail is because I feel if I eat something bad the whole diet is ruined and that is a horrible way to think. just eat in moderation, eat when your hungry, exercise, drink lots of water. Good luck

you shouldn't be looking at this in months ahead of time.. you need to take one day at a time.. ok, so you're taking the first step to a better, healthier life.. but don't look at as if you're going to die.. it's a total life change, and you need to take it in baby steps... eat moderately and don't starve yourself.. and on the weekends allow yourself an indulgence.. have something "bad" but don't over do it.. exercise 5 days a week, and have the weekends off.. think of it as a goal you're setting for yourself.. and each day is helping you to achieve that goal.. POSITIVITY is key!!!

good luck :)

Just because it will take an estimated 6 months to get to your goal, doesn't mean you won't start to see results in the first few weeks. If you keep in mind that you want to get healthier, not just slimmer,fitter, than you'll be more likely to stay on track b/c you won't discourage yourself with a lack of results too early. But just 1 question.....Why wait until tomorrow???

set goals and reward yourself.
I set a goal and when I got to it I rewarded myself with a pedicure, or bought new shoes, or new make-up, or new work out outfit.... I also keep a picture of me on my refrig of myself before i lost weight to remember how far i have come

The best thing you can do is to set very small goals for yourself with your changes. Also, DON'T deprive yourself to the point of being so depresed and bored that you go on binges. If you're having a bad day, take that extra bite, or let yourself have one cookie as a reward for working so hard that week.

Some possible small goals and rewards you can give yourself:
Every day that you successfully meet your goals, give yourself a small reward or a point, or put a dollar or two in an envelope.
Every week that you successfully meet your goals, give yourself a slightly larger reward, like 5 dollars in that envelope or see a movie, buy a new book, eat something delicious (just don't go overboard, but one little splurge will not hurt your diet - a candy bar or a cupcake once a week will help you stay on course)
At the end of a successful month (for example) take that money you set aside, add some particular amount, and buy something you've wanted, or have a bigger reward like a special outing or a new outfit.

Its hard for me to tell you what rewards are good for you. everyone is different and things htat would motivate me won't necessarily motivate you.

I also find it helps to keep track of all the things you do during each day where you make progress. Like if you are tempted but manage to push past the temptation and do the right thing, make sure you take special note of it, maybe even tell a friend. Youll have a good memory to go back to on days when you feel like you can't make it. Store up as many of these "good days" memories as possible to help get you through the bad days.
Good luck!

Find group exercises of things you like to do like dancing lessons or kickboxing, aerobics, cycling... Most gyms offer these classes. I found out that working out alone was not the right thing for me so I started taking classes and I have being doing it for the past 4 years. I have lost a ton of weight & I am really strong now. And even now I don't like going to the gym to work out by myself. So, find things that are fun for you so they don't look like a work out.
Concerning the diet part, I recommend you to use the daily plate. I use it (the free part I didn't pay to upgrade anything) to track everything that I eat. That has helped me to keep track of the real amount of calories that I am actually eating as opposed to the amount I thought I was eating. Every time I want to eat something bad I remember how scary the numbers look in the journal so I think it twice. It also allows you to include your physical activities & it subtracts those calories burned from the ones you ate, so its fun to see how the numbers change with the healthy stuff you eat & physical stuff you do. By the way, eat less specially of the bad stuff (anything refined (flour, sugars), saturated fats) and more of the good stuff to feel satisfied longer (lean protein, whole grains, lots of fiber).

These are just my methods, but whatever you do, just keep up the good work & remember that losing weight in a longer period of time is better because it reflects the healthy changes you are making in your life.

Best of luck!!!

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