Is there a good solution for being lazy ?!

Question: or when you feel you have less power than you used to have...

serious answers only please...thanks.

Answers: or when you feel you have less power than you used to have...

serious answers only please...thanks.

The best solution is getting up and doing what you have to do. Don't think that you have to get up and get the whatever you have to done. The minute you think about what you have to do get up and do it. Never wait till tomorrow.. because tommorrow will never come. The hardes part is starting.. once you accomplish what you had to do you will feel so proud of yourself. You can do it :)

Ya, you have got to get moving, the longer you stay feeling powerless the deeper the paralysis gets. It keeps going in a circle until you feel you just can't find the way back to good.
Get some help from someone else to break the cycle if you need it, but whatever you do, don't give in to the gloom.
If you are already there, call someone dynamic to help you break out.
Use your support system and if you don't have one talk to a therapist or counselor.

It sounds like you're thinking of changing your behavior, which is a good step, but you're not quite sure how to do it. First, I would sit down and write a list of your goals. Read them everyday- it will give you a little inspiration and remind you that you can achieve them. Secondly, write down all of the benefits of exercise- of why your exercising. They can be big reasons or minute ones- anywhere from "I'm improving my heart and therefore my total quality of life" to "I will look better in my clothes." Write a different reason on a bunch of post-it notes and stick them all around your living space- this can include work and the car. Then, write down all of the things that trigger your "laziness." Is it that it's painful to workout, you would rather watch television. Write it all down then try to figure out how to avoid or fix those problems. For example: If you never want to work out on Saturdays because you're too hungover from the night before- then cut down on the booze. If you like to watch a certain television show and it's on the only time you can go to the gym, then consider getting some home workout equipment so that you can watch your show and workout at the same time. There may be several reasons you don't feel as energetic as you used to. Hanging on to extra pounds can definitely bring down your energy level. I would say start slow and work your way up. Plus, the more you workout, the more you'll have energy to. So start small. Baby steps. Good luck!

I feel that way every winter. I just recently figured out it had to do with seasonal fluctuations, after reading an article about seasonal affective disorder (SAD). I feel tired, don't even want to go to work, my muscles hurt, I just want to lie on the couch, etc.

I bought a full spectrum light, which I sit in front of for about 15 min to a half hour a day and it seems to help make me less tired. It apparently shuts off the production of melatonin that makes you want to sleep and makes you feel lazy in the mornings and throughout the day. I have been going to the gym more often lately, and once you go a couple of times it gets much easier.

When I don't feel like exercise I force myself to just take a 5 minute walk outside. Usually after 5 minutes I don't feel lazy anymore, and I keep going because I am energized. But if I tell myself to go for a half-hour walk I never do it, because it seems like an overwhelming task when I am so tired.

Hope that helps.

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