Is doing 50 min walking on treadmill 6 days a week too much?!

Question: I'm trying to lose weight and that is my new exercise plan, which is healthy and helpful I hope?

Answers: I'm trying to lose weight and that is my new exercise plan, which is healthy and helpful I hope?

Try changing it up. Go on the elliptical machine, you burn more caloriesin less time or the bike. Doing the same thing all the time ir body gets used to it so ur weight loss won't be as fast as u like. If u change it up u really would only have to workout everyother day it u workout properly.

that's good for now

You need to do more then just cardio (treadmill), you need to add resistance training as well.

Do Cardio 3 days and strength 3 days

Yes, but it want do much unles you eat helthy, and Im a vegiterrian so I know helthy, :-)

Nope, just take it slow and drink lots of liquid.

personally i think it is too much - i would let your body get used to exercising first.
I got told to do light exercise 30 mins 3x a week.
Good luck

It is fine if you are just walking. If you start running, though, I would recommend doing it every other day.

maybe do 3-4.
ur muscles will be able to rebuild up then:)
good luck! :)

I don't think it's too much at all. I take hour long walks 5-6 days a week and I feel refreshed and great after-words. If it's warm where you live, take it outside, it's much more fun!

it is sort of excessive, but you're trying to lose weight, so I guess it's alright. Just make sure you switch it up once in a while, trying some other kinds of exercises.

yes that is fine. that extra day is giving your muscles a time to recoop
way to go on getting fit!!

NO it's NOT too much, you're doing great! An hour of physical activity is the recommended minimum. And I read this Heart and Stroke Foundation thing that "you can gain about two hours of life expectancy for each hour of exercise"

Maybe when you feel stronger, try exercising 7 days a week instead of 6? All I'm gonna say is, if you're serious about losing weight, here's how it works:
1 pound = 3,500 calories
On your treadmill, it probably tells how many calories you burn . Aim for 500 daily because then in one week, you'll lose a whole pound (500 burned calories x 7 days=3500 burned calories, aka 1 pound). WORK YOUR WAY UP to 500 if you generally lose 250 or something everyday

So let's say you want to lose those 4 pounds. Be active for a month and you will lose that weight. It doesn't just have to be on your treadmill! As long as you're moving around and not sitting on the couch, you'll have a healthier, stronger body and a happier lifestyle. I love that feeling after you've exercised for many days, you feel your stamina increase and you feel all this energy in you.. .ITS AWESOME :|

We think we're hungry as we reach for a donut, but we're often just thirsty. Stay hydrated. And don't overindulge in junky, tastes-nasty-but-I'll-eat-anyway food. Follow your food pyramid. Eat in colors (In a cup, put in granola pieces, yogurt, and berries on top. Mix it together and you get 1 milk serving, 1-2 fruit servings depending on how many types of berries you're putting in, and 1 grain serving. That tastes seriously good :9)

Keep being active, learn more about good healthy living, and good luck~

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