What do you think about the amount of fat people in the UK?!

Question: I think it is getting out of hand, i just had a question asking why so many people were so ridiculously fat removed within minutes. This indicates to me, that a lot of fat people were so offended by it and couldn't face hearing about the problem. What do you all think about the obesity problem?

P.S i know some people have health problems which result in them being fat, but not everyone can use this excuse, ten years ago there were nowhere near the amount of fat people around.

Answers: I think it is getting out of hand, i just had a question asking why so many people were so ridiculously fat removed within minutes. This indicates to me, that a lot of fat people were so offended by it and couldn't face hearing about the problem. What do you all think about the obesity problem?

P.S i know some people have health problems which result in them being fat, but not everyone can use this excuse, ten years ago there were nowhere near the amount of fat people around.

listen Vixxie we are not narrow minded but you cant turn a blind eye to an epidemic such as this. Now i dont hate fat people because some fat people realize that they have an addiction and work their *** off trying to loose it. i hate the personality of some fat people that "its OK" to be fat. And there are some that take pride in being fat. You think that our bodies were created to be 4 bills (400 lbs.). No not at all. Listen you can think i am being mean but Sorry the truth hurts. Now i dont judge people because of their weight but you cant turn a blind eye to an epidemic. By the way the weight problem in the US is 10 times worse than over in the UK. Here comes the Thumbs down

hahd did u get my email

anyway ill post what i wrote for your previous post

I can awsners this quite well i used to be fat....but fyi i worked my *** off i lost about 50 pounds and now im 6 1" 195 and muscular. there aer no advantages to being fat. its just diffcult to get out of it.

some fat people have the genes of an ectomorph and gain weight like crazy and cannot help it. my friend ate a piece of cheesecake and she gained 2 pounds. its just bad genes sometimes

as for the people that actually IS their fault and they choose to overeat, fat people often cannot help it. jobs, stress.....they find no place of refuge but in food. they come home and they are just looking forward to dinner. tehy indulge and get fat. then the are depressed and the cycle continues to obesity. excercising is great but if you were obese and you went to a gym filled with extremely fit people around you and you were the only one that wasnt fit, im sure you would be at least a bit intimidated and scared to start. I sure was, and it was very tough to get through that mental block...but once u get past that block and you have the mentality of learning how to get fit and instead of being intimidated.....treat the peopel there like teachers and are role models for your goals....then you can achieve your weight loss goals.

and obesity is now because of fast foods, junk foods, workstress, lack of sleep, and most of all sitting in front of the computer for endless hours :P (im doing that right now haha)


your right i was at a place on monday and said the very same thing to my mate freaky or what there going to take over the world along with ginger people

too many


I loved the Rolly Pollys,very fit ladys who used to dance.lol

It's due to having too many choices when it comes to food. There wasn't the range of junk food available 20 years ago and it was still expected that people would actually cook their food instead of expecting to just shove it in a microwave or head off to McDonalds.

Healthy eating takes a certain amount of time and intelligence which some people simply don't seem to have these days.

Why are there so many people who spend their lives pointing out that there are fat people? Do these people have nothing productive to do with their lives? If you are so degusted by fat people get your bum down to gym and make sure your healthy! Spend your time worrying and critisising yourself and stop pointing out a person is fat. I'm sure that person is fully aware and doesn't need a complete stranger such as yourself making unwelcomed opinions about their weight. I'm not overweight myself, but I have loved ones who are. The world isn't a bright happy place, modern day life is stressful, life is hard. Like people who find comfort in drugs, booze and love, there are those who turn to food. No one wants to listen to your narrow minded rambling ons. So sit down and shut up.

Philip your moron how the hell has a person who chooses to be overweight got absolutely ANYTHING to do with you? Say, If i became overweight and I was content with it, what right have you got to tell ME I need to lose weight and I'm degusting and i'm somehow a greedy unhuman character? Who the hell do you think you are to preach, insult and decide how people choose to live their lives? There has always been fat, skinny and average sized people. Get the hell over it! Granted, there is an"epidemic" of obesity...The government says it's trying to solve the problem and yet this is the same government who relies on the fast food industry (like with smoking and drinking) to stabalise the economy...Really an individual person has every right to choose what and how much they eat. You have no right to make them feel inferior and small. You should become a member of government so you can actually try and solve "the problem" if your so degusted or "concerned." If not, I think you should shut your mouth and let people get on with their lives and let them have their own choices. Gosh, and this is the 21st century? This is freedom of choice and democracy? Could of bloodie fooled me!

i do think it is getting out of hand alot, but there is alot of advertising from all the junk fod and the healthier option is alot more cheaper than the junk so there is alot to be done about it.

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