Addicted to food?!

Question: EWWW this is bad.......i cant stop eating literally......when i am bored i want to eat even though i am not hungry!! i am working out trying to loose my old baby weight and i just cant seem to not eat so much......i literally come home from the gym and want to eat.....and than all my working out has gone to waste....thats what i think anyways and than my USUAL next step is to quit working out because i end up feeling like its a waste because i just eat the same or this true....and how do i STOP eating so much.....i really try to keep myself busy or try not to think about it and than it just becomes harder.....i never used to have this problem it used to be the i forgot to eat when i was younger.....any ideas on what to do?

Answers: EWWW this is bad.......i cant stop eating literally......when i am bored i want to eat even though i am not hungry!! i am working out trying to loose my old baby weight and i just cant seem to not eat so much......i literally come home from the gym and want to eat.....and than all my working out has gone to waste....thats what i think anyways and than my USUAL next step is to quit working out because i end up feeling like its a waste because i just eat the same or this true....and how do i STOP eating so much.....i really try to keep myself busy or try not to think about it and than it just becomes harder.....i never used to have this problem it used to be the i forgot to eat when i was younger.....any ideas on what to do?

you can try to go to bed after gym time. my suggestion is eat whenever you're starving and stop before you're full. you can eat all the time but with small portion. change a couple of meals with salads and fruits, specially for breakfast. don't be too harsh on loosing weight cos it'll only make you eat more and more.

You might try just relaxing and leaving the house-hanging out with friends or whatever. Anything to get your mind off the dreaded kitchen.
The 1st day is always the harderst-after that it gets a little easier. So don't worry so much and try to make it through, k? :]

OA can help.
all the best

I'm going through the same thing, except I have stopped working out....and it's so bad I feel out of control. It is b/c my husband is at school at night, temporarily....anyway, maybe we could talk in email and come up with something together. I used to be able to eat right and exercise. I've gained almost 30 pnds:( so email me!!!

You may have one or both of the following things happening.
You may be somewhat insulin resistive and be craving carbs. They way to deal with this is to stay away form the carbs and eat high protein foods instead.
the other is "emotional eating" where we eat as a way of comforting ourselves. self help for this is only allowing yourself to eat at the kitchen table keeping yourself (especially your hands busy - like learn to crochet) or many people benefit from some counseling on this issue.

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