Can I go from a size 11 in jeans to a size 5-7 by doing this?!

Question: 4 days a week 1000 calories a day, with exercise, the next three days with 1500 calories with exercise, and a good healthy diet everyday. I'm a vegetarian. Hows that sound? Will it work? How long should it be before I get my results? I also want to lose my gut, and inner thighs!

Answers: 4 days a week 1000 calories a day, with exercise, the next three days with 1500 calories with exercise, and a good healthy diet everyday. I'm a vegetarian. Hows that sound? Will it work? How long should it be before I get my results? I also want to lose my gut, and inner thighs!

I answered this on the last one...DO drink lots of water.

It could work. It's really hard to be on a calorie-restricted diet. Make sure you drink lots of water! It helps to keep you hydrated and energized since you aren't going to be eating a lot. There are many factors that go into determining how long it will take to see results. Your body type (i.e. if you are overweight for your height it will be easier than if you aren't), metabolism, etc...You should most likely START to see results after one month. Good luck!!

try a highly contagious case of mono! i have it now, wanna share a drink? my friend lost 38 lbs with it once!

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