Do you still gain weight if....?!

Question: Do you still gain weight if you eat a lot of calories, but no calories from FAT?

I have a box of dried cranberries and there are 130 calories per serving but NO calories from FAT. Would I gain weight if I ate let's say, the whole box. Even though I wouldn't lol

Answers: Do you still gain weight if you eat a lot of calories, but no calories from FAT?

I have a box of dried cranberries and there are 130 calories per serving but NO calories from FAT. Would I gain weight if I ate let's say, the whole box. Even though I wouldn't lol

That is completely not TRUE!
Some foods have a very high water content and raisins and cranberries do!!!

it would go toward muscles...and think of it this how my sis taught me, (*shes a nurse)
You can eat 25 heads of lettuce to 1 pound chocolate bunny...

How many boxes of cranberries or raisins could you eat to a chocolate bunny????

yeah. even if its not fat, it would be extra calories .and extra calories mean extra pounds

umm problalby like half

yes because calories are energy,
and when you dont burn your calories(aka your energy)
it gets stored to fat,

you see, your energy is stored to fat,so the stored fat is like emergency help.
lets say you didnt eat for a while...god knows why...your body would eat it's stored fat.

so you gotta burn off the calories you eat

Gaining weight is a funny thing. You've got to do things specifically in order to lose it. :/

you gain weight when you take in more calories then you's that easy.

umm in some cases u would, lets say if it were a fat free granola bar but those are good calories so dont worry about it..ull burn it off fast

OK...this comes from my experience and reading lots of books about dieting and weight loss programs. Calories do count and regardless if it is fat free or not, if you take in excess calories without burning it off, eventually you will gain weight. That's assuming you don't have a fast metabolism ie you have just average metabolism.

I'll give you an example. For years, I thought drinking orange juice and eating low fat yogurt was good....hell NO! I thought that having 97% fat free is really good....but this is a clear deception NEED to look at the sugar content...most of these fat free items have LOTS of sugar in sugar becomes fat really fast...full stop!

So be careful of lots of fat and hidden everything in moderation....check the sugar content of cranberries...a little wouldn't hurt.....

but if you have a fast metabolism ie you don't gain weight even if you eat lots, then don't happy you are one of the lucky ones!

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