Net calories question?!

Question: In order to lose weight, should I eat more after I exercise?

Meaning, if my intake intake is 1200 calories, and after exercise, my net calories are around 500; should I leave it at that? Or can I eat the calories I burned off and still lose weight?

Answers: In order to lose weight, should I eat more after I exercise?

Meaning, if my intake intake is 1200 calories, and after exercise, my net calories are around 500; should I leave it at that? Or can I eat the calories I burned off and still lose weight?

There was a study I read that found that people who compensated for their workouts by eating more calories lost less weight than those who both exercised and reduced calories. So the long and short of it is, eat less AND exercise. But also be careful of reaching the point of diminishing returns, where you create so much of a calorie deficit through exercise and diet that your metabolism slows down, thus slowing your weight loss. First calculate the amount of calories you need just to maintain your weight without exercising. You can find a bunch of those calculators online. Then aim to create a calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories per day for a 1-2 lbs weight loss a week. For example, if you need 1800 calories to maintain your weight, and you want to lose a pound per week, you could create a deficit of 500 calories by burning 300 cals during your workout and eating 200 less calories a day (1600.) Never eat below 1200 calories and be sure to have a snack containing protein and carbs within 30 mins after a workout to aid in protein synthesis and restore your glycogen stores.

Check out It makes this stuff a lot more fun! You make an account and input your activity level an what you ate and how much you exercised and how much you want to lose. It will tell you how many carbs and calories you have left for the day.

Good luck! And good job being healthy :-)

If you're just going to eat what you burned off do you really think you'll lose any weight?

Yeah you need to eat some carbs, alot of protein and water to keep you hyderated but try not to eat as many callories as you burned off.

burnning more callories than you take in is what makes you loose weight

If you eat the calories you burned off you will just stay at the same weight.The point is to burn more calories than you eat. However don't eat less calories just because it is easier to burn less. This is definitely not a healthy way to go. Eat healthy foods that are low in calories and than work those off.

Don't count your exercise into the equation for calorie intake. That is a big mistake.

I have a few questions:

What is your height?
What is your current weight?
How much weight do you want to lose?
What is your current level of activity? How often do you work out?
How do you know you're consuming 1200 calories a day? (That's really low, especially if you're working out)

The less you eat, the more the body goes into "starvation mode" struggling to retain every calorie you take in.

Answer the above questions and perhaps I can give you some better information.

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