If I want to trim my waist and work on my abs..?!

Question: what foods should I BE eating and what foods should I be STAYING away from? Exercise does not need to be recommended as I already do a 20 minute ab workout and 45 minutes of cardio a day -- the cardio has ab exercises worked in as well. I would just like to know which pesky foods revert you from losing that tummy chub. I am 5''5, 134lbs by the way.

Answers: what foods should I BE eating and what foods should I be STAYING away from? Exercise does not need to be recommended as I already do a 20 minute ab workout and 45 minutes of cardio a day -- the cardio has ab exercises worked in as well. I would just like to know which pesky foods revert you from losing that tummy chub. I am 5''5, 134lbs by the way.

ab exercises arent the only ones that will improve your abs, so im gonna give you extra excercise advice anyway

do some of the biggest muscle strengthening exercises you can do to increase your metabolism, like squats, deadlifts, push ups, chin ups, stomach crunches, and eat spicy food.
all this will increase the rate at which your body breaks down fat to use for fuel. higher metabolism = more fat burned

step 2
dont eat fatty junky crap foods that come out of a box.
no KD, mcdonald, chips, chocolate bars, none of that poison. thats what it is, poison. those fats get stuck in your intestines and never come out. some people have 10 pounds of built up crud from eating chips stuck in their colon
take psyllium husk with water daily.
get it at a healthfood store, its godly
eat lots of fruit

pushups actually work your abs. abs back and sides are like one big muscle that get worked whenever you do anything that requires you keep your balance. the metabolism boost is really important, so you have to work more than just abs

Your weight sounds just right for your height, but if you want to really have a super slim abdomen, you have to watch what you eat, and make it a lifestyle habit, not just long enough to lose the weight...as it will come back once you go back to old eating habits. Here's what you need to do: decrease carbohydrates (breads, pasta, cake, sugars), starchy foods (potatoes - yes that includes fries), and sodium (don't add salt to your food before tasting it; check the sodium labels on canned foods, because they tend to be really high). All of the above make a person retain water in the hips/stomach area. Also, drink lots of water every day. Try Pilates, which works great for the lower abs. Also watch the fat intake in your food; the abdomen tends to be a "fat storage" area, and in a woman, the abs, hips, and thighs are where fat will get stored first.

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