How can i lose weight ???? this is a question that might change my life?!

Question: im 15 years old and 220 lbs and i hate it i dont want to be a FAT teenager i want to be athletic and slim plz help me out my problem is that i just cant stop eating........plz dont just say eat less and more exercise...... THANK U ALL............GOD BLESS

Answers: im 15 years old and 220 lbs and i hate it i dont want to be a FAT teenager i want to be athletic and slim plz help me out my problem is that i just cant stop eating........plz dont just say eat less and more exercise...... THANK U ALL............GOD BLESS

Truth be told that's where being athletic is held "Diet and Exercise". Here is a step by step plan you can try.

Step 1: Diet - For 1 week keep track of everything you are eating; read up and find out such info as calories, fats, sodium, sugar, etc. And try and accumulate your diet to lower all that. FYI don't do it all at once you may send your body into shock.

Step 2: excessive - Set up a work out that fits you. Being around that weight I would say go with power walking at least 4 times a week for about an hour each day and to keep it simple start doing push ups and crunches. I would say try and do this: 15-10-5, in other words do 15 push ups wait 1 minute do 10 push ups wait 1 minute do 5 push ups. Try that every day. Same with crunches. You want to do as many AS YOU CAN.

Step 3: progress - keep track of your progress reward yourself for going forward.

Take your time with it, you will not see changes for about 2-3 months but believe me it is well worth it.

You might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well.

Well then, keep eating as much as you want, and workout hard 6 days a week.

When I wanted to lose weight I went to weight watchers. It might not be what you want to hear but that is the only way I could do it.. Because you learn to eat right.. But you could do it on your own if you start eating more and more veggies.. Something heatlhy with fiber for breakfast.. Eat more protein, fiber and wheat stuff.. and you do need to exercise.. Start slow and work your way up to 30 to 45 minutes a day for 5 to 7 days a week.. it's not easy!! and remember you didn't put it on over night so it won't come off over night.

stop focusing on what you don't want. your question and concerns were all stated in what you don't want. completely let those thoguhts go. you HAVE to focus on what you DO want. "i want to be athletic and slim and healthy" that part. then do what you feel this athletic self would do.... you'll feel better and find its easier to do waht you need to do to get where you want to be. (i'm not going into what to eat/exercise because that's too easy to find on line and in any book store, etc) this is what you have to do no matter what "program" you decide to follow. (self made or something you find) the only thing i'll input there is that bodyfor life and tosca reno eating clean are good references of ideas of what you need to do.

My best advice would be to take up jogging or some other cardio exercise, and set a goal for yourself. For instance, make a goal of being able to finish a 5k running race (3.1 miles) in the next 3-6 months. After you've accomplished that goal, continue pushing yourself either by pushing for a longer race or by completing another 'race" in a shorter amount of time. Please keep in mind, these outdoor events are about you competing against yourself, not the other bikers/runners out there, and you'll find the other competitors to be more encouraging than judgemental.

By making fitness more about personnal accomplishment than weight loss, it decreases the pressure on you and can actually seem fun. And as an added benefit, you're developing a healthy habit which can be maintained for the rest of your life.

Obviously eating healthy is important as well, but this will prove easier once you've gained some positive weight-loss momentum from the exercise routine.

Check out this site. They offer a free E-book on weight loss that might be able to help you.

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