How long should you lift weights/how should you lift weights?!

Question: To get every part of muscle on my arms like hers?

Answers: To get every part of muscle on my arms like hers?

So to get arms like hers, you need to work your shoulders, biceps, triceps and maybe some chest work wouldnt hurt either. To work the biceps do bicep lifts, but dont go too heavy, but keep the lifts fairly slow and intense. If the lifts are high intensity, only do a small amout of repitions, reps, about 15 - 20 and about 4 - 5 sets. Or if you cant do 4 sets or you can do more than 20 reps, then you need to increase the weight so that 20 is your max for one set. You should be buring after one set. Allow one minute cooldown and go again till you burn. Allow another minute and go again, etc until after about 3 -4 sets then do another muscle group.

For the shoulders, do side raises, you hold the weights by your side and raise them in line with your sides like a gymnast getting his balance and then take em down to your hips again. Again, only do 3 - 4 sets with a fairly low weight, about 5 - 10kg max for beginners, but make sure they are intense. This type of training is called intensity training which is more effective than the popular concept of "more sets and reps".

For the triceps, just do bench dips. Face you back to a bench, chair etc, and put your hands on the bench, with your fingers facing outward and dip down and come back up, making your legs a right angle with the ground. This will always be intense because its using your own body weight. If you dont get my explanation of bench dips, search it in google, it will be everywhere.

Make sure that you drink alot of water, about 8 - 10 lgasses a day as i do and you MUST eat protein, about 2g to every KG of your body mass. So if you have 60KG of weight, then you need at least 120g of protein to build muscle. Make sure you DONT overdo the protein intake, because if you dont use it, it will turn to fat. Eat 6 small nutritious meals a day with 2 glasses of water each meal spaced at 2.5 to 3 hours each.

In the off days of your weights, do some cardio. About and hour jog will keep you in shape, first thing in the morning - this will attack body fat stores because there is no food in your stomach after you sleep to fuel your excercise.

Basically eat right and excercise every day. Your muscle gain will be different as everyone is different but you WILL gain muscle if you follow my plan. You can throw in a bench press if you have one, but keep it intense, as always.

If you are over 20 you will see massive results in weight lifting. But, by nature women do not get bulky, they will get nice and lean and toned, like they were intended to be.

So good luck with it and i hope you get there. Ive done this and ive lost over 12KG and built alot of muscle. So you need to lift weights about every 2 days, having a morning jog between every session, but if you ache when you have a weight lifting day, dont lift, this will damage you further, wait until you have healed. Most healing will occur during your sleep, so get about 7 - 8 hours of sleep! Its very important.

Cya and good luck!!

10 min sessions , 3x a weeks over about 3/4 months should give u good results. expect to see results after 6 weeks:) good luck!

You should do bicep, tricep, and shoulder exercises. I would pick up a fitness magazine that has these routines in it. Or if you know someone who exercises with weights, you could ask them different exercises to do and how to properly do them. I could name you a bunch of exercises here, but without knowing what they are or how to perform them they would be worthless to you. It sounds like you want your arms to be defined and slender but still show a little muscle. 4 sets of 15-20 repetitions per set are usually best for this. Maybe 3 different exercises per body part. And yes you could probably have Jessica Biel arms by summer.

that child who adviced u that crap (that bambi) is just 11 years old probably and saw a cartoon book about bodybuilding. to get arms like this girl u should work out arms every day. twice a week the full session - 3 exercises per arm part - and one exercise every day for shoulders. i have been doing bodybuilding for 9 years, first 5 years i could not see any results. for women it is extremely hard to make any visible muscles. losing weight also helps very much - women have fat layer under skin which is much sicker than men's.that's why women's muscles are less visible

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