Any advice for losing weight, anyone says stop eating just get a life!?!

Question: advice for weight loss?

Answers: advice for weight loss?

Stop Eating. No, just kidding! Keep eating, but make sure it's the right stuff.
Try to work out what you eat in an average day then look back and see what you could afford to miss out on. Start by eliminating around 500 calories per day.
Also, small, healthy switches can make such a difference like low-calorie bread, one biscuit instead of 2, smaller portion sizes, that kind of thing. It helps to keep bags of ready-made chopped vegetables in the fridge to munch on when you feel hungry. If they're all ready for you to eat you're less likely to go for something fattening in a moment of weakness.
Good luck. X

follow a practical diet. have a snack every three hours. fruit or soy nuts. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50% veg, 25% carb, 25% protein. pick a exercise regime you like. but lose only 1 kilo a week. that is the permanent way of losing.dieticians offer eally good suggestions that r easy to follow. go to one


A healthy balanced approach is the sure fire way for long term success. Start by cutting out some of the high calorie items from your diet and make sure you have your 2 servings of fruit and 5 veggies each day. Exercise is important but there is no need to over do it. Just make sure you try and do something every day, even if its only for 10 to 15 minutes. To lose weight you need to make sure you are burning more calories than you are consuming. Check out which is a great website that allows you to track all the calories you are eating and burning each day.

healthy foods + fun work-out=weight loss

+try not eating too much grains and sweets also...

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