How do I lose weight really fast?!

Question: I don't care if its unhealthy or if I gain it all back, but how can I lose it very very fast?

Answers: I don't care if its unhealthy or if I gain it all back, but how can I lose it very very fast?

if you want to loose weight do sit ups in the morning and at night or when u have free time....try to run more....join cross country...chew a lot of will keep you full and make sure you drink TONS of water!!!!! especially in the morning because then your metabolism speeds up and your more full and you are satisfied

you also need to do is get help from your parents. You will need to eat 500 calories less than what you normally eat and exercise for about a half hour each day. Stay away from foods with bad fats (saturated and trans) and foods that are high in carbohydrates (pasta, rice). I know it sounds cliche but eat a lot of veggies and fruits and drink lots of water, especially while you're having your meal to trick you stomach into thinking you have eaten more than you actually have.

? Just keep it simple... here's how:-

1) Eat more steam food, lean meat, vegies and fruits

2) Cut out the junk food, soda drinks and snacks

3) drink plenty of water / green tea

4) Exercise - look at combining weights and cardio into your program. you can look at alternating upper and lower body exercises without rest, say bicep curls, then lunges , rest and repeat. With cardio, try sprinting 100m, jog 100m and repeat.

Here's a review link to a program

Useful articles there too.

5) Have 5-6 healthy meals a day(1 plate portions) to keep your body satisfied

6) if you have cravings drink water or eat fruits
here's an article to a healthy diet

7) have an action plan for long term goals, start off with small goals and increase it gradually over time. Get your parents involved to live a healthy lifestyle and be active. Doing it together is better then going it alone!

oh and......You're probably too young to lift weights, so I would suggest running, jogging, and walking for exercise. You could also rollerblade, bike, jump rope... anything that will get your heart pumping and sweating

Avoid foods that are high in sugars: candy, soda, cookies, and other sweets. Also avoid foods that are high in fats, especially fried foods (like french fries and chicken nuggets from fast food places, and potato chips.) Try not to eat a lot of salty foods.

Drink milk every day, and again lots and lots of water.

For snacks, eat fruit, cheese that isn't too high in fat (like cheddar or even string cheese), light yogurt, fat free pudding... Switch to wheat bread instead of white. Eat at least a couple servings of vegetables per day (they'll fill you up but are low in calories).

You don't really need to know that much about carbohydrates, etc. You probably already know which foods are healthy and which ones aren't so good. Just use your common sense and don't eat until you are so full you can barely move :) Good luck

o o o also the special k diet works VERY GOOD

Laxative and barf

But please god don't do it

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.
I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!

Do the atkins diet

low carbs, lots of water..exercise..

chop off one of your legs ???!~~~!!!!

Don't eat.

crash diet, eat something that has very low calories. You will end up gaining all the weight back fast afterwards.

Read how to lose weight simply yet effectively on this will be amazed

dont eat alot, run with a plastic bag on your body, and sauna everyday for an hr youl lose alot of water weight but of course youll gain it back real quick


I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss (it's actually a colon cleanse) and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it (it's 100% natural). The results were excellent. I lost about 20 pounds in 2 months with this detox. That's why I recommend you check this product at where they have a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.
Good luck!

I came across this great product for weight loss (all nautral) and it was excellent for me (it's a detox colon cleanse). Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling. A must!

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