Overweight people are selfish?!

Question: i think they are. I find them selfish because they are consuming WAY too much food. They are obviously eating when they are not hungry. Dont they know there are people starving in this world? These people would do anything to even get a tenth of how much these people eat. And then they go out and eat 5 doubble cheeseburgers and 3 chocolate milkshakes! It just makes me so mad! It breaks my heart to know that there are children in this world dying of starvation while some people are gorging themselves in SO MUCH food. And what really gets me mad is when they see a fit person and they say "i wanna give her a sandwitch". I mean COME ON! At least they know how to take care of themselves!

Answers: i think they are. I find them selfish because they are consuming WAY too much food. They are obviously eating when they are not hungry. Dont they know there are people starving in this world? These people would do anything to even get a tenth of how much these people eat. And then they go out and eat 5 doubble cheeseburgers and 3 chocolate milkshakes! It just makes me so mad! It breaks my heart to know that there are children in this world dying of starvation while some people are gorging themselves in SO MUCH food. And what really gets me mad is when they see a fit person and they say "i wanna give her a sandwitch". I mean COME ON! At least they know how to take care of themselves!

ok i don't care what any of these people say.. i TOTALLY agree with you.

have you ever watched one of those shows about obese people?!?! its disgusting... i mean how do you get to the point where you can't even get out of bed. and if you can't get out of bed then wouldn't they get skinny?! noooo because their moms and girlfriends/boyfriends feed them whatever they want. and then after 7 years of being fat they decide they want to lose weight by getting gastric bypass surgery. i mean seriously.. how could someone let themselves go like that?

morbidly obese people are just slobs, sorry.

Shut up and pass me that blueberry muffin.

So how much of your food do you personally give to the starving people of the world????

FYI: I am overweight because of taking steroids to control rhematoid arthritis. Every week I buy food for the food bank.

Anyone can be selfish

hmmmm perhaps both should donate =)

Just as you have issues with cattiness, others have issues with food.

My favorite are people who are on 'diets' but go to an ALL YOU CAN EAT salad bar....just b/c its salad, doesn't mean you can eat 5 servings of it.

Whew..are you way way off the mark here. Generally, obese people have either a physical or mental disability. They eat too much for various reasons, none of them having anything to do with being selfish.
I find you to be selfish and shallow in your assesment.
Research the issue of obesity before you make such an unqualified statement.

Shame on you.

I am skinny. Really skinny. Fast metabolism. I eat and eat and eat. I mean I eat alot. Am I selfish? or not? because I am not fat. Don't judge a book by it's cover. U don't know the history of that person.
And maybe you do need a sandwich. Anorexia is not taking care of urselve. Eatting is not a bad thing.

Wonder how YOU would feel if you were overweight and read this! Not all overweight people are guilty of over-eating, many of them have medical conditions which cause the problem. They are human beings and do not deserve to be slated like this!

Well it sounds like your a biased person. You judge people by their weight, and not by the person. Besides if the overweight person didn't consume the food, it would just go to waste. The people who are starving in the world don't have a chance in hell of getting the food that you say the overweight people eat. As for taking care of themselves. I know many many skinny people who don't bathe, brush their teeth, missing teeth. So your universal statement is universally denied.

Besides if your so worried about the hungry why don't you set up an exchange program for people with anorexia. Have them sent to a place where there isn't any food, and bring somebody who wants to eat to where the food is. Everyone wins that way.

p.s. that last part was a joke get over it.

I'd say 98% are, 2% have some uncontrolled gland problem that contributes to their weight issues, but MOST of of have been guilty of some kind of selfishness at one time or another. Let us not throw stones from our own glass homes.

Exactly what are you trying to accomplish here? If you were so selfless, then don't waste your time judging other people & use your time to help the starving people. I bet you have no flaws what so ever. Do you? Maybe you should also post a question, "Skinny people are perfect?", b/c you obviously think so. Being overweight is not jus about food. It is multifactorial. It also has things to do with excercise & hormones. To my knowledege there was only one perfect person who ever walked this earth. Shame on you for judging a person based on their weight & not even knowing how active they are in helping the less fortunate.

You couldn't think of anything else worth posting on YA. It was selfish of you to even post that crap. Don't you know there are people in this world who are hurting. People chose to handle their issues in different ways. Not always in a healthy way. And also it could be a medical problem as to why some overeat.

yeah i agree with alot of these people alot of overwieight people cant help it ! im not obese but i could loose about 15 pounds but i also just had a baby !! and my friend is overweight it she hardly ever eats and so what do you do eat then throw up ! you could had feed the starving kids with what you wasted !! lol let me guess your fav song is sttupid girls !!!!

The truth is that most obese people eat fewer calories than the skinny person sitting next to them. Do a little research on bariatrics if you want to find out more. The ones who eat five cheeseburgers definitely have a problem that they cannot control.

How much water do you drink? If it's a lot, then you're being selfish because there are millions of people who have nothing to drink but groundwater or water from polluted wells.

Stop judging people because they make you uncomfortable. Get to know a fat person.

Oh BROTHER,,,,, You need to stop hating heavy people....You are probably one of those nasty girls that eyes a fat person and have some nasty things to say and you say it loud enough for them to hear....Some heavy people have hormone issues others may have limitations or slow motabs .... So stop being so judgmental....Oh and no I am not heavy....But I work with a few that I see eat like birds and they never seem to lose weight.....

So YOU feed the starving people? How generous of you!! {{applause}}

Anyone can be selfish that is true. I would say selfish people tend to lean towards certain tendencies. Not all of them are related:

Sociopathology/Criminal Behavior

At the lowest level is introversion which is most common. Introversion or shyness is itself selfishness. Introverts are so worried about themselves that they are afraid to share themselves and be open with others.

Perhaps overweight people are introverted too, but I would say that there is more to the mental state of obesity than just selfishness and introversion.

I also think though that your condemnation is unwarranted. You shouldn't be mad at people in general on the basis of 1 of their traits. That's stereotyping and scapegoating.

Look at myself. I'm a very muscular man. 210lbs 5'10". I'm probably a little overweight, but I also run marathons. I eat a lot, but I also burn a lot. Don't you think that is wasteful? But I bet if you were to look at me in person, that thought probably won't occur to you.

Lastly I would ask why you're so angry over this? I feel bad for obese people because I know what it's like to struggle with weight. I'm still trying to drop that last 15 lbs. I was lucky to be born with a high metabolism so it was relatively easy for me to peak at 235 and bring myself down to where I am now. Not everyone else is so lucky.

I am not angry at obese people. I think that reaction is a little unwarranted and I would ask myself why I'm angry with them? Am I really angry at myself? Good questions to ask in any situation because really, our outward attitudes reflect our inward attitudes.

You generalising something that shouldn't be.
People are heavy for different reasons. Yes, some just eat for the hell of it, but some have medical problems that cause weight to pile on, some people eat due to depression / loneliness etc. Who are you to say such horrible things? I suggest you become less ignorant and find out more about the subject.

Nice answer Monique. How is it less greedy for a person with a fast metabolism to eat more? they don't NEED it, it just means their body burns it off quicker. Doesn't mean they need more food.

I know PLENTY of slim people who gorge in bad food and food their bodies don't need, but your theory suggests because they are not fat that they are selfish. No sense to me.

most people that are overweight are using food as a substitute for something in their lives. it's like drug or alcohol addiction. they can't help themselves. it's a viscious cycle. they eat, gain weight, feel sorry for themselves, eat more gain weight, feel sorry....and so on. some people can have a bad breakup and eat a quart of ice cream to feel better and some people don't eat anything. people are genetically predisposed to being thin or overweight. it's just a matter of how that person controls himself around food. it also has a lot to do with how they were raised. my dad was from the "clean plate" era and thus he taught me the same thing. he and i have struggled with our weight over the years so i speak from experience. i do not consider myself a selfish person. when i see a homeless person on the side of the road, i go buy them food. i have also made sure that my 6 yr. old has a healthier attitude toward food than i do. i feel like that will benefit him for a lifetime. i volunteer my time to his school. just because someone has a weight issue does not mean that person is selfish. besides who are you to judge??? are you perfect?

its not like we are wasting food
some of us who do intense workouts 5-6 days a week need more food than the average joe in order to meet our personal physical goals.

also some of us eat a lot or healthy food

Give me a break, this has got to be a troll post right? So, you're only worried about starving children? Maybe next time you go to rent a movie, buy some new clothes etc.. you should refrain, and send that money to an orphanage.

U got it all wrong dude! even underweight ppl r selfish. U don't judge selfishness thru shapes n sizes. how could u say that???

now that i think about it your right i meen they eat soo much and there are people in the world who would BE SUPPER LUCKY just to get a burnt french fry outta the garbage when some people would prolly refuse to eat a french fry without ketchup.....AMERICANS are glutons.....some hehe:)

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