I'm going to start a new diet. Tell me what you think...?!

Question: I plan on having a high fiber cereal and lowfat milk for breakfast, sushi for lunch (specifically, California rolls), and a mixed salad for dinner. What do you think? Will I lose weight, and is this diet healthy?

Answers: I plan on having a high fiber cereal and lowfat milk for breakfast, sushi for lunch (specifically, California rolls), and a mixed salad for dinner. What do you think? Will I lose weight, and is this diet healthy?

I am sure you will lose weight, but, for how long....it does not seem sensible for a long term diet. And, focus on forever with your eating habits. That doesn't mean you can't splurge once in a while. It seems you calorie intake and food satisfaction will not allow you to have the diet for long.

I recommend Meta Block !!!

What is Meta Block?

Namyang Aloe, an aloe specialist and a leadingcompany in the natural product market, has more wonderful news for mankind: the

creation of a new product called Meta Block.

Given that the cause of obesity is not weight alone, but body fat, Meta Block is fundamentally different from other products that only

focus solely on reducing weight. Meta Block addresse the fundamental cause of obesity by controlling body fat.

The key active ingredient in Meta Block is dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can be divided into soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. One of

features of Meta Block is that it has both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. When consumed together, a gel created by the soluble

dietary fiber entraps the compounds of insoluble dietary fiber and fatty substances, which makes them more stable and decreases fat

absorption. To maximize this effect, Meta Block contains an optimal ratio of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber.

The dietary fiber found in Meta Block decreases the absorption of fatty substances and reduces their consumption by making your

stomach feel more full.

Aloe is added as a dietary fiber, since it maximizes the functions of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber and also regulates bowel


In addition to dietary fiber, other functional ingredients contained in Meta Block - garciniacambogia, L-carnitine, berries - also aid

incontrolling body fat.

Namyang Aloe is ready to bring more of the bestof nature to mankind.

This gift of nature has been created for those withan excess of fat in their bodies.

Recommend for :
-Those who haveresorted to various means for overcoming obesityonly in vain
-Those showing signs of obesity,those with large bellies (a typical indication of excessive body fat)
-Those who eat too much buthardly work out

How is Meta Block?

"It's great that I don't have to starve myself"
"I lost three kilograms; not just weight but bodyfat!"
"It tastes so good, 1 want to take more."
"I eat less these days."
"I've been taking Meta Block in addition to exercising, and I already lost six kilograms!"
"I feel lighter."
"My lower tummy is flatter than before!"

How to Meta Block
Chew two tablets 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner
Take tablets with an adequete amount water (Drink about 1.5 liter of water per day)

It's a bit restrictive - and if you eat the same thing every day you'll get bored (and no doubt go off the 'diet') and your body won't be getting the variety of nutrients that it needs to be healthy.
The following is what I recommend to anyone trying to get/stay fit and healthy and lose weight......you should be eating 5 or 6 times a day to keep your metabolism active as well. Good luck!
Ok - watch out for so called 'low fat' options, as often they are filled with lots of other junk (like sugar or sodium) to make them tasty - if you're reading nutritional info look for food items that are low in saturated fat (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are good in moderation, and come from thigns like avocado, some nuts, olive oil, some meat and oily fish - your body needs these fats.....the saturated ones are usually found in highly processed foods and they dont do anything beneficial for your body - maximum saturated fat should be 12% of your total daily intake....lower for weight loss.....). What you should focus on instead of buying items that say '99% fat free' is an overall healthy eating plan that is balanced and gets fats from good sources, and balancing your intake of fats, carbohydrates (preferably complex ones that are digested slowly by the body as these make you feel fuller for longer and are better for you - go for 'low GI' foods most of the time, except immediately after a hard workout, in which case you'll want to opt for a high GI, good carb/protein fix which will repair muscle and restore energy quickly.

Getting outside for exercise is really fun - but if you can't you can head to a gym, or if you prefer you can do at-home workouts. There's heaps of strength training exercises on the net, and if you buy some dumbells you'll be set! Also try pushups, squats, lunges, planks, crunches etc. A skipping rope is a FANTASTIC invention - I use one all the time, and it's great for your abs if you twist your lower body from side to side while you skip and squeeze your tummy in. This is a great way to get all sweaty! I also picked up an elliptical trainer (my absolute saviour), a rower and an exercise bike on ebay for a reasonable price. I love the elliptical - really strips fat off so fast you can feel it melting away!!!!!! I do my cardio before strength training as this tends to give the best energy burn....but shake it up - if you always do cardio first, swap it around for a while, then change back. If you change your workout regularly then your body won't get used to it (which slows down weight loss and results in a plateau....and weight loss aside it actually stops being so beneficial for your body as your body doesn't have to work as hard), and you won't get bored.

Weight loss is hard work, but it's also really, really fun and rewarding - and if you make the right changes, your weight loss and healthy lifestyle will be sustainable for life!
Healthy weight loss is simple and fun! You should aim for between half a kilo and a kilo a week as this is a healthy rate - however if you don't notice a change on the scales don't get discouraged as you may be gaining muscle but losing fat (muscle is heavier than fat but is much more dense so takes up less room - you'll appear to have lost weight and your clothes will be looser).
Basically you should aim to alter your diet and exercise in order to achieve healthy weight loss - you dont need diet pills, fad dieting or any expensive weight loss plan.
With relation to your diet, eat 5-6 small meals a day - breakfast is a MUST for weight loss (it kick starts your metabolism and it makes you less likely to over eat during the rest of the day) - try a healthy cereal (low in fat and sugar....watch the sugar!!!! so many are loaded with the stuff), low fat milk and fruit, or low fat yoghurt and fruit (i top low fat yoghurt with fruit salad and muesli - yum!), wholegrain toast etc. Go for lots of lean meats, veggies, fruit, grains, good carbs and good fats (remember those ones found in oily fish like salmon, and in nuts, avocados etc). Don't restrict yourself of anything though - if you feel like a treat , have it (make sure it's a darn good one too lol!) but remember that what you are eating is a 'sometimes' food that can fit into a healthy, balanced lifestyle but should not be your main source of nutrients. If you deny yourself every 'treat' then when you do finally crack and decide to indulge you are more likely to binge than to enjoy the food in moderation (eg. skip eating a cookie when you really feel like it, and then when you do have some you end up scoffing the packet...not goooooood!).

Some healthy snack ideas - fruit, veggies dipped in hommus, low fat yoghurt (topped with fruit salad and nuts or muesli), toast/english muffins, smoothies (made with low fat yoghurt, fruit, low fat milk), healthy home made muffins (alter your favourite recipe - eg. substitute the unhealthy ingreds like full fat butter with reduced fat marg/spread, sugar can be replaced with apple-sauce or apple puree, white flour with wholemeal, or use a mix of white and wholemeal...if you want a chocolate fix in your muffins go for some cocoa, or dark chocolate chips as opposed to milk or chite chocolate), wraps (using lavash or mountain rice bread), fruit toast (try bakers' delight - they have the apricot delight loaf and the cape fruit and nut loaf - both with no added fats or sugars!), wholegrain toast with peanut butter, half a sandwich, english muffins with a healthy topping. Try cooking yummy but healthy things to snack on - it will prevent you from getting bored, and you can develop your cooking skills!
With exercise, I would recommend doing at least 45 min of aerobic activity a day and combining this with strength and resistance training (to build muscle which will up your metabolism, making weight loss easier to maintain). Try joining a gym, or gym classes, yoga, walking and jogging, swimming, bike riding, weights, using a cross trainer (I do interval training on an elliptical machine as part of my daily routine - works wonders and burns loads of fat!). Just try to make activity a part of your daily life. If you work incredibly hard at exercise, or are working out for periods of 60 min or more a day, then definitely give yourself at least a day each week to rest your body and let it recover - otherwise you won't get results, and you'll be prone to injury - which really sabotages your whole exercise regime! On this day if you really want to do some exercise, do something that allows your body to recover from harder workouts, but still keeps you active - try a light swim, a moderate walk, a slow bike ride, some light yoga and stretching etc.
All the best with your goals - talk to your doctor about what is a healthy weight for you, and make this your goal. If you need extra assistance, a dietician may help you with the nutritional side of things, and booking a couple of sessions with a personal trainer could be a good idea just to show you how to correctly perform different exercises. Also - for additional info I recommend the australian institute of sport website - a lot of the nutritional info is targeted at athletes and very highly active individuals, but there are great articles on weight loss and some great (GREAT!) recipes complete with nutritional info so you know how many kilojoules/calories you're putting in, and how healthy the meal/snack is. Basically, if you outweigh what you're putting in (food/drink) with what you're expending through activity then you'll lose weight!
Happy eating and exercising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you need help getting motivated to exercise.....
My trick to sticking to my routines (altho I'm a bit the opposite - need to cut back on exercising) is to write out little cards with workout plans on them that add up to a certain amount of minutes - I stick the cards in a hat and I pull one out each day. It's so much fun because you never know what your workout is going to be! Also helps you know how much exercise you're doing so that you don't slack off or go too overboard. Plus, at the bottom of each card I write something fun that I am going to do that day, like play with my puppy when I finish exercising, or play guitar, meet up with a friend, see a movie etc.
Also, make a few cds or ipod playlists so that you're entertained while you're exercising (just make sure you're concentrating more on technique and your exercise than on the music). You should also grab yourself some good exercise gear (doesn't have to be expensive - bonds are reasonably priced and good quality) - that way you'll feel great while you're exercising! Plus there's something about getting dressed to work out - kind of puts you in the mood for some hard (but fun) work.
Try to keep motivated by keeping things interesting - do a different workout every day (so make sure the exercise cards have heaps of different workouts on them), and try to eat something different every day!

Sample plan:
Breakfast -
bowl of high fibre, low sugar, low sodium cereal (I go for special K - love the stuff), topped with slices of banana, and low fat milk (I dont use milk but that's coz im weird about soggy cereal lol)....or a slice of wholegrain toast with some cooked tomato and a poached or boiled egg with a small glass of OJ....or and apple and a slice of wholegrain toast with peanut butter and a glass of low fat milk/orange juice/low fat yoghurt.

Pc of fruit or a small handful of almonds, or a low fat yoghurt, or some crackers with low fat cheese/cottage cheese, or a pc of toast, half a sandwich, fruit salad, veggies dipped in low fat hommus, healthy smoothie (try low fat milk, low fat yoghurt, some chopped fresh fruit.....I mix banana, peach, mango and strawberries, ice cubes and a dash of honey), low fat/sugar muffin, etc.....be creative!

low fat yoghurt topped with fruit and muesli, or a wrap and side salad, or a wholegrain sandwich (with a nutritious filling) with some fruit or a yoghurt or a side salad, or a healthy salad with a grilled chicken breast/fish and a pc of fruit of low fat yoghurt.

Arvo snack
same as in the morning, or if you feel like a nice arvo tea treat make some healthy muffins (extra satisfying if you eat them hot!!!!!!!!!), or sometimes a skim hot chocolate does the trick

lean meat or fish, veggies or salad, a carb like a potato or wholegrain bread, or pasta (just make sure the sauce is healthy!), stir fries with meat, rice and veggies

If hungry after dinner, go for something light - some fruit, a cup of tea (if ur having a major sweet craving go for a square of dark chocolate, or a skim hot chocolate - beats the hell out of a bowl of ice cream!).

EXERCISE - shoot for at least 45 mins daily......I do a workout each morning (about 120 mins - but I'm an exercise nut - and I have time to spare.....uni student life lol!) and I try to be as active as possible all day - walking rather than driving, going for walks, walking the dog, shooting some hoops, going for a swim or bike ride, yoga class etc.

Really, good luck - I hope you reach your goal and enjoy yourself in the process!

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