Is this a healthy breakfast.?!

Question: 50% less sugar oatmeal
100% wheat toast with alittle brumle and brown (like butter but better for you)

Answers: 50% less sugar oatmeal
100% wheat toast with alittle brumle and brown (like butter but better for you)

I agree with Hat.

It's only partially healthy because you have no protein with that. It's all carbs. Add eggs and/or milk with that. You need protein.

If you're looking to build muscle add a few raw eggs and a protein shake as a bonus.

Add a protein source such as eggs or some peanut butter. Have fruit juice or whole fruit and some milk with the oatmeal to make it a even healthier breakfast.

Yep....and tossing some fruit on the oatmeal will be even healthier.

its too tight!! why dont you go with like,.. muesli, skimmed milk and a little of honey with 1-2 walnuts or 1 egg scrambled with veggies, 1 brown toast and orange juice.. Be flexible ;)

Too much carbohydrate intake.
Add some protein, and replace some carbs with natural sugars. Water is the perfect and only drink you need.
Also, rather than eating 3 meals a day, most dietricians suggest eating small infrequent meals throughout the day, IE many, small meals, every hour or 2.

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