Cardio or strength training?!

Question: I am trying to work out some anger, its keeping me up at night. Now before you say "work on what is making you angry" I am doing that... but as for physically... what work out is going to best assist me in getting some sleep and getting some tension out? Is cardio or strength training better?

Answers: I am trying to work out some anger, its keeping me up at night. Now before you say "work on what is making you angry" I am doing that... but as for physically... what work out is going to best assist me in getting some sleep and getting some tension out? Is cardio or strength training better?

A nice mixture of both, I am a personal strength trainer, and I would recommend starting with a 10 minute run, varying intensity depending on fitness level, followed by 50 chin ups fast and high intensity, followed by 50 push ups high intensity and fast, and 100 sit ups high intensity and fast, and ending with another quick run of 5 minutes or so. This will get your cardio working and will provide limited muscle stimulation. When you get better you can add weights to your muscular workouts but keep up the intensity, which will surely make you tired enough to sleep for days.

Cardio--Interval training is best. Throw your adrenaline and anger into those bursts of sprinting, and then jog it out to create endorphines which will help you sleep and feel better.

i am doing now more weight training. it definitely doesn't help me to sleep. i would go with cardio. i even used to do it at night when i had insomnia and i didn't visit gym every day. usually fell asleep right away. now i am too tired after working out at gym during day time

Cardio by far, jogging for 20 minutes or more every other day.
Run at a pace that is comfortable and maintain that for the duration. You want to acheive the "aerobic high" which comes if you stick with it. It may take a few weeks, but it's worth it.

Cardio will wear you out entirely and help you sleep soundly. Make sure you aren't listening to "angry" music though, and don't let the anger motivate your exercise.

Overall, find constructive things to do instead of unleashing your anger or letting it fester inside.

a little of both will help you get that frustration out and get you in shape.

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