HOw to get a body like this?!

Question: HI folks
should I do high reps,less weight or heavy weight ,less reps to get a body like this:
how may sets and reps should I always target for?

Answers: HI folks
should I do high reps,less weight or heavy weight ,less reps to get a body like this:
how may sets and reps should I always target for?

i would go lower reps more weight. say around 6-8 with higher weight for a bench press, and use the same proportion to figure out other rep sets. But regardless of the way you do it, just doing it will give you that body, its only a question of which route is minutely faster than the other, I promise.

You don't.....jk

you should just work out till ur tired, then keep on going until u feel like ur gonna die. and btw, why in the hell r u looking @ pics of guys????

Buy several AB workout machines and place them all over your body.

that doesn't look natural, looks like its been photo shopped or something. anyways, to acquire a similar looking body, you would need to do tons of exercise, drink tons of protein shakes, you need lots of protein for lots of muscles, high reps and heavy weights, cardio, running, running, and more running. a lot.

You have your own special body type, no one has the same. So, not to bust your bubble, but your probably never going to look like that. Find a healthy weight, that fits you and your lifestyle.

I personally hate when guys are unnaturally musclular: they just seem in love with themselves and self absorbed
sorry I didnt really answer your ?

honestly, i dont really kno why u would want to have a body like that!! its almost kinda grossss!!!

Lots of work. Most likley it will never happen.

By spending 4 hours a day at the gym and being obsessed about it.

Ok its like this, abs like that are the hardest to achieve, ya wanna know why? Because you have to work your *** off to get them. Plus its all about your diet, you have to eat only good stuff, no chips or fat only fresh vegetables and fruit, lots of cardio and tons of ab moves like, situps, crunches, leg raises, reverse crunches, twisters, planks, swiss ball moves, and the list goes on. and guess what once you get the stomach like that you will still be you so just focus on being healthy and happy.

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